
I work for a state agency in Texas.  TEXAS. And I am legally required to provide an interpreter, of ANY preferred language/method of communication, as needed. Given his butt buddy was Putin, there is no doubt that there was a US interpreter immediately available. Spicey might be dead meat soon enough!

Bremmer described Trump’s lack of translator as a “breach of national security protocol,” adding with the utmost confidence of our seat-stealing leader that Trump probably wouldn’t have been aware of this rule anyway.

In my dreams EVERYTHING tying Trump to Putin will come to light. The pee tape and every other reason Putin has to blackmail Trump, all the money laundering schemes, the hacking of the DNC, everything. I want Trump - and by association all the GOP assclown who silently supported him - to go down in flames for this.

And notice the dynamics at play here; Trump got up and went over to Putin, not the other way around.

Good catch. My personal bete-noire years ago was their fawning covering of a Fanjul heiress’ wedding to a high Eastern WASP heir and, later social meanderings.

I am very sick of hearing about the vacuous and stupid children of wealthy criminals and despots.

Just this past weekend, I had gummy bears infused with rosé (which was quite delicious!), and a frozen rosé slushy type thing which my friend called frosé. It’s all so damn good!

I remember the first episode of Flip or Flop that I ever watched. About ten minutes in I turned to my sister and said, “So this couple totally hate each other, right?” You could see that divorce coming a mile away simply by the way they interacted with one another—thinly veiled contempt. They had no chemistry on

This is what I hate about the argument being put forth. No one in their fucking right mind up to election night ever imagined in their worst-case-scenario that Trump would ever win. You, me, the rest of the voters, and even the Republicans.

People can sit there and say Hillary was a bad candidate, but she beat

I tried finding the quote but I couldn’t. She did tweet out “So Thor and I have a chance?” when Chris Evans and Jenny Slate broke up. That’s the closest I could find but I promise you that (once) when they asked her who she has celebrity crushes on, she said something along the lines of “Any guy who can be an

I will bet my meager life savings the father is a white male.

“an unexpected surprise” opposed to an expected surprise?

I get interviewed here and there (I’m not famous or anything, it’s industry and charity stuff) and depending on if I know the interviewer or not? I almost always ask if I can get a list of questions or at least topics before hand so if it’s a recorded interview I’m not caught flatfooted herming and derping all over

After discussing it at lunch in 5th grade, my best friend went out to recess and asked out two boys for me. One immediately said no, and the other one said he’d let me know in class a couple of days later. He didn’t say anything for most of the day, but rather than understand what that meant, I specifically asked him

My sister asked a boy out, he laughed, said no and then told her that she was ugly. He then proceeded to share the news with all of his mates and then this spread like wildfire throughout her year level. My sister was 15 at the time. She cried for weeks but, then picked herself up and carried on. This is who she is.

Okay well even if they’re not dating, we can still appreciate the cuteness.

Pointing out the fact that this entire performative pregnancy and childbirth reaches levels of Diva that would make Mariah and Christina proud isn’t racist. Slap any other person on that photo and it would still be ridiculous, especially considering thay photos of children tend to have the CHILDREN as the main focus,

A few things:

Is no one going to discuss that photoshopped taut belly?