Rosa Canina

If this means we finally get something new from Legacy of Kain I am ALL IN.

Tons of rpgs did not came to Xbox sadly. From Atelier to Persona, Aegis Rim to Ys. Twewy 2 to Ni No Kuni. Most came to Switch in... some playable form or not. (Not a huge fan of Square Enix games btw😚)

Yeah, that's true. I bought my 360 for jrpgs (which years later came to ps3 XD). It's really sad to see the genre almost completely missing on Xbox. 

First I wrote One X, bot series X. Can’t get one here anywhere.

Other than MOST people I absolutely love my Xbox One X and played it like double the time of my PS4, even though I would say, that the latter had the better exclusive games, especially for an JRPG fan. So I naturally was pretty excited, that it is now called “easy to buy”. I have not tried to get one for MONTHS, so I

I know, but it’s only a single thing that they learned with that. But I am happy to see the option for unbutchered backgrounds. Sadly the fps is still more often than not lower than on PS1 or even fan-emulators. If they used those with some US CD ripp of the original game... they probably would have had a better

I like that Square goes full on “Nostalgia” BUT... they need to learn one thing about the “remasters” they do: include at least ONE toggle. “Modern” and “Original”. With the first go all out. 60fps (Chrono Cross dipping to almost 10fps on a PS5 is pathetic, even if you really love the game), Ai upscaled stuff for

TWewy 1 is one of the games I really liked from them. It's good. The last DQ just could not hold up to other jrpgs for me, but it was better than some stuff I played from them. I haven't played most of the games you mentioned in particular, but I did not like Setsuna, most remake stuff they did (I will play ff7 remake

More recent games have been more a shellout, with the Disney stuff being quite a bit “Well, look at our great movie! And hey, there are some dudes from this game in there, too. BUT mostly our movie!” (especially the Frozen/Tangled worlds) followed by a lot of “Now Square makes the story. Forget all the bullshit from a

I was never a big fan of the franchise but KH feels like it went from a delightful romp through Disney and Final Fantasy franchises, where each Developer just HAD FUN to something like a corporate shell. Devoid of actual “fun”, with each world and each plotpoint planned for maximal profit, while also showing, that

The House of the Dead Remake... I remember the outcry, while thinking it was looking fine. Anyone know if it's physical, too (through any means)? I love these games but I will never ever ever buy digital ever again for a quite a few reasons, one being a revoked access to a game I legally bought through official means

Stuff like that is not legal here either. And I remember police destroying a child pornography ring just a few months ago. So they work against that. We drink beer much faster and no bats an eye if a 16 year old bones another 16 year old. But that's it, basically. 

You can’t buy naked pictures of 16 years old here either, at least legally. And that would still be considered child porn. The don’t care if some 16 year old bones another 16 year old but nude pictures are another story.

That’s really something :( And he imported it from my country, too. :(

The Series S is still the only modern console - except for the Switch - that I ever saw in ANY store - online included. Not even Xbox Ones or PS4s are available anymore. You either buy a Switch or a Series S. Nothing else.
Its easier to buy any retro console, even with inflated Wata-Prices.

My reply was not meant to be taken 100% seriously. It was just a fun jab, nothing more. I love my switch (nowadays. It collected dust for the first two years until LRG did somehow manage to get all the games I ever wanted on one device on that device O_o), I own a PS4 and XBox One X. I love games on all platforms,

My reply was not meant to be taken 100% seriously. It was just a fun jab, nothing more. At least that middle part, the last part about that Cotton game IS 100% serious.

You are completely correct. But don’t forget that they need to reassure all those Ms/sony fanboys that, while this is possible, their console of choice is still a much better system.

I still hope I can get my hands on Metroid. The last game I pre ordered got canceled by the retailer two days after the release just to pop up by third party sellers for double the price. And with the hype and the scam resell market as it is... and my bad luck the last few weeks... I don't have that much hope to

I dont talk about the frames itself (which can be custom made btw... which you will only ever find in real special stores for very high prices, as its A LOT of work to do that (Source: I build a frame completely from scratch once for someone)), as you are buying mostly the design and yes, the name, there. A good