Rosa Canina

In have glasses starting at 15 bucks and people still hate me for that price. People don’t get that glasses are custom made. While sold in masses they still need to be produced for every single customer. Main reason why progressive lenses are as expensive as they are. They are NOT just some plastic standard things

Can’t say without a doubt, as there are black sheeps on the market. But if they are not assholes then yes. Sounds like am upgrade to something like an aspheric lense which has more sharpness overall (especially the outsides) or just an anti-reflection, which would reduce the reflected light from 10 to 0.5%, making the

There had to be one guy at konami that was like "hey, release it, make a bit more money now, I don't care at all how much this broken mess will hurt us in the long run". Why can't companies see that they are doing more harm than anything? There will be a lot of people that will not look at the next game or shy from

Fun story: people buy 8k tvs but are sometimes even reluctant to buy glasses to actually see anything above “480p sharpness”. And Yes, those people are quite common.

The new consoles feel more like a PS4 Pro/Xbox One X upgrade at the moment. There are benefits to be owning them but you are not really missing out on much playing on the ‘base’ system (in this case the Ps4/Xbox One family of consoles). It does not help that they are only a few real next generation experiences on


The hate for the N64 controller is unjustified, as I learned. There are so much worse controller out there. Sure it’s not perfect and I prefer my modded GC stick-Version over my original stick version. But it’s way better than people give it credit for.

While I grew up on the NES it was the GameCube I played the most, as it was the first console I was allowed to actually play more than a few times a year. Or buy games from my own money for it. There are so many good memories on that system...

Not sure about the Japanese market. There are expensive games there but many expensive games here are just a couple of bucks there. I bought quite a few of the non-text GB/nes games from japan and saved always a lot of money, even some years ago. 

Its all very tiny stones, nothing really that special. 2000 pieces would be fine for normal sized bricks, but this is very expensive for a lot of tiny stuff. Its similar to saying “Hey, this technic set has 1000 pins in there, it must be expensive because there are so many of them”.

This looks freaking awesome, but when I saw the price I basically died. LEGO became expensive on its own. But the added “license tax” and the “Nintendo tax” is horrendous. This looks like a 50 or 60 Euro set (around 60 or 70 dollars or so), but not 170! O_o

The first episode was the best of them. And I WAS in fact the older brother to a younger version of Satan itself, with no father there to make it any better. In all regards it should have hit me HARD. But it did nothing for me, as I just could not bring myself to care about any character at all. I think the biggest

I am really glad Reviews seem to like the games, as I loved the first game but was REALLY dissapointed by LiS2 :(

This will probably hit the console market quite a bit. Demands may still be high, but some developers/publishers will probably think twice about releasing something on consoles that are near impossible to get. At least if it continues like this. And people may now be eager to buy one, but will they still be as eager

I love quite a few CAVE games, even though I am not a pro at this genre. Never thought I would see another game from them, though as basically all projects from them are just rereleases of their past games. That said... They are still great releases XD

I like easy modes for some games as I don’t have much time because of work and if I loose quite a bit of progress in a game I will probably just stop playing it.

Even as a collector I find that ridiculous. So much wasted money. I really hope this will increase to really high extremes and then bursts with retro game prices coming crashing down.

I so freaking hate this “perfect pixel remaster” moniker on these games. It basically means “Yeah... these are the old graphics, because we fucked them up last time. So please buy this again, because we got all the money we wanted from the bad versions. In a few years we will do some other remaster, maybe in that

I wonder how “remastered” Life Is Strange will look on the Nintendo Switch. Yeah, those games are not the most graphically impressive games, as they somewhat ran back on the PS3/XBox 360, but I still wonder how much this will look “remastered”. Maybe the animation work?

Other than that... HOW THE FRICK DID THIS TAKE

I really liked that game and the whole transgender issue was handled with taste and not in your face all the time. Mostly, at least. Tyler feels like a person, that is not JUST transgender.
I just thought the game was way to short and suffered because of it. Some things felt a little bit rushed and predictable because