Rosa Canina

I will further play my PS2 version of Nocturne. I started that game there because I just could not wait for the remaster. Then I got the remaster and thought I could make my life a little bit easier with the easy-mode, as I don’t have much time to game at all. But this is the easiest mode I ever saw in any game.

Most games I wanted new releases or remakes got that treatment rather recently (Panzer Dragoon, Grandia 2 HD and some others), but I would really love to have Square Enix finally giving Crystal Dynamics the opportunity to revive the Legacy of Kain franchise. As one of the very first games I bought myself this series

I have only a single game I will never ever attempt to play again and that is the first Jak and Daxter on PS2. I see why people like it but I just can’t stand to play it. Don’t know why, it just never clicked with me and the last time I tried it I began to hate it...

I stopped playing unbeatable games aka the whole online stuff and games as a service a long time ago. Because I love rpgs I need to commit a lot of time for every single rpg I start and there is just no room for any of that “play that now and you can access this new content! “ -type of stuff. I also don’t care about

Worst case scenario the same like on the old consoles: With a controller. Of course Lightguns will always be perfect for that type of game. But thinking of janky the original HotD on the Sega Saturn actually is (it WAS NOT a good port, even back in the day)... how worse can this version be? The would need to frick it

That game got me into the franchise. Its soooo good :D

A house of the dead remake? Goddammit, those remakes and remaster seem to really know what I like to have... Now, where is my Legacy of Kain remake? 😅

I play older games all the time. Only loop hero got me hooked for a while. Been chipping away at Shenmue 1 for a while now and am now torn if I complete the series in one big playthrough or finally try to kill Diablo in... Diablo II. On the other side... I got a few old games coming over the next few days. From Star

Have not read the article so far,  just wanted to say: HELL YEAH! I love that game to death. Does not mean I am good at it, but I still boot it up (Act Cadenca and Actress Again) every few months :)

Just wanted to add one thing: I found it funny how you mentioned No One Live Forver for scarce games, because I bought my copy like a year ago for less than a happy meal o___O

Maybe, but that took all the room for the characters to grow out of the experience. For me... it killed most of the game by the second episode. The brothers alone did not carry the story enough... they also did basically the same thing in every episode. Like “Little Brother, dont do that!”, followed by the little

I am not from america, so that angle on the story just... did not hit me at all. I mean... I understand what it was going for. Its just not so big of a problem where I live. And because of that I saw the more glaring issues with it: those paperthin characters in settings, that did not give them any room to grow.

I love this game... but why “remaster” a game on the same consoles, its already on? I know, it... kinda released on PS3. But that run like crap and all buyable copies SE released over the years were on PC (obviously), XBox One and PS4.
I would understand a Release on Switch. I would understand a Remaster on XSX and

Great to hear, kinda missed that detail. BtS was nice. Not perfect, but good enough that I trust them to make a good game.

You know... I liked BtS except its ending. For me... it sounds even more promising that way :D

This already looks so MUCH more promising than Life Is Strange 2 ever was. I just hope they can deliver a good game again. Their “Tell Me Why” made me hope to see something good again (it was a bit too short, but mostly fine), after Life Is Strange 2 felt so... boring to me (I explained that a while back, but LiS2

The comic does a fine job of doing that, although it needs to be fleshed out quite a bit more. And release more often. I think I ordered the third volume like... 1 year ago. Will probably get it this month.

I am... intrigued. Loved the first Life Is Strange, liked Before The Storm (except its ending. The scene in the car just before that was so good and then... it fell apart), hated Life Is Strange 2. Tell Me Why was nice again, but way too short to leave the same impact.

One thing I learned when I got older is that those hard difficultys just steal my time and nothing more. No accomplishments, new good feelings. Just frustrations and lost hours. If I have the choice of playing a game for an hour or so a day I want to make at least a bit of progress. Because of that I skip the hard

I agree with you. 4k is overrated and all of that power should be used for fps. 1080p looks mighty fine, especially with the less real art styles Nintendo is pushing. But higher fps just feel better go play.