Rosa Canina

Man, if they really plan on ditching that system in 2024/2025 already this will piss off basically every fan out there. I also d0nt really see a need for a whole new console generation yet. A Pro System? Maybe. Some more FPS or higher resolutions on some games are always nice to have. But what more would a whole new

There is a saying in my job, that goes something along the lines (the meaning translated into english) “No matter what you do or tell them, expect the customer to be so dumb, that they will leave the door, not knowing ANYTHING.”

You kinda got my point in the end. They don’t need to be just queer. Just white. Just black. Just straight. Or just anything. Their story doesn’t even need to revolve around their queerness. They can have their own character and be queer at the same time. Being an interesting character first is what counts. Having a

I kind of agree AND disagree at the same time. Pure “Boy crazy” or “ladies man” characters are just as boring and one-dimension than a character thats JUST queer. Thats what I want to come across in my first post. We need actually good characters that HAPPEN to be queer. Not queer characters, that bring NOTHING to the

Tackling queerness in Persona 6 has to be done correct or otherwise it will produce a shit storm from either side. Just making a character openly queer for the sake of the character being queer would not work. To make it or the theme itself work it either has to be part of the character and it’s journey in the same

It’s annoying that this is now something almost weird sounding. after I ran into all the downsides of a digital future, everyone glamoring for one still looks weird to me.

I finally want Nintendo to drop info on that damn thing >_<

I kinda get your point there. Legend had a bit too much combat, but it was at least more fun than the Slow Mo-Stuff in Anniversary. I think the main reason why I liked Legend more was because it changed up the simple gameplay all the time. Sure, the motorcycle wasnt perfect, but it was also just two short segments in

As someone who only veeeery briefly played two levels of Tomb Raider 2 during its heyday and only fell in love with the classic games a few years ago I can assure you... they work. Its really just a head-thing, I promise. To be fair, the controller you are using is REALLY important, too. TR controls work WORST on

I am actually glad that they have the option to play these games with the old controls and will turn it on ASAP.

A lot of games still come out physical I Japan and some of them even are in English. Before BG3 announced it’s western physical edition Playasia had one for Japan with English text as an option. I got quite a few physical releases that way.

I ignore these games, even if they interest me as there are barely any games worth online only for Singleplayer, especially since Baldurs Gate III gets it’s physical soon. I would say there is a pretty decent chance that Alan Wake will get some form of release some day. Be it an GOTY or similar edition or just one in

I don't game on my phone at all. I browse the net and make phone calls/send messages. Which is waaaay different than any always online console ever will be.

I love my Xbox One X but even today I would not buy a console that requires me to be always online. With the constant updates and patches needed nowadays this “Always Online” would be nothing more than a bad DRM Method, that makes my system into a useless brick whenever my Internet provider has some problems. Or a

They both are near zero. Embracer had good chances of reviving Legacy of Kain in some form (and I still hope we at least get SOMETHING, even if its just a collection of rereleases or some slight upgrade, like the Tomb Raider 1-3 Remaster) but with them killing a lot of projects when their main backer dropped... well,

MKB works just fine. To be fair, I can only play games with inverted controls nowadays, too. Its not an option in the PC version, as far as I remember. But you also dont really shoot a lot or move around in first person. So its mostly for pictures, which are optional and most of them are easy to shoot without you

Its a Action Adventure with a mix of third person melee Combat, Puzzles, Stealth-Sections and taking pictures of little critters combined with a nice story, some racing sequences and some weird animal-like characters. You COULD theoretically do all of these things in the Open World Zelda games, but thats like saying

Not just that, the OG PC release (the one you could still buy in stores, before everything PC was digital only) had a looooot of technical problems with a loooooot of different configurations of PCs.

BG&E2 at least has a higher chance of actually getting done than any other of my old favorite franchises. Legacy of Kain, Re-Volt and many others are even more dead.

Nowadays it isnt too hard to play BG&E but when the HD version was a thing my OG PC version (which I bought near release) wasnt really working all that great anymore on PCs. It was basically a Hit or Miss if a new PC was running it or not. So the HD version was a nice thing to have (and is, to this day, as its easy