Rosa Canina

There is a simple reason: no dev cared enough about the xbox so far. As much as people like to bitch about Nintendo, call them kiddie games devs etc in the end... we all like at least some of their games. Because of that people actually want to play the games. Buuuuut it’s way t cool to hate them, so god forbid we

I love jrpgs, I don’t mind grinding in some of them and I can even play story-light games of that genre. But Bravely Default was just plain bad. “Oh yeah, let’s do it all over again even if we know it did not change a thing the last hundreds of times” was the biggest bullshit I ever had to deal with in any rpg ever. I

Great to hear that you liked it. Still need find time to play the new Ys IX,  but this game here will always be a top contender for best game on switch for me 🙂

You are certainly not alone with this mindset from what I can gather in different communitys. For example: when the Chinese handheld Retroid Pocket 2 got his translucent color options many bought a second unit because of it.

It would still look better than the plain box XD God, I miss the times of fun colors for your consoles. The funtastic-n64-line was great. 

I... eh... dont know. Yet. Hear me out. I just got an C64, the last system I have nostalgia for that I did not own (funnily enough the first system I ever played with, too) and the seller got me a box of 5 1/4 floppy disks, so I will probably going through those. Make notes what is on what and what floppys still work.

Uff, this looks really rough (gameplay, I know these are PSP graphics...). It has more of a “fangame” feel than a real product. Maybe its just the weird inbetween the original classic and the anniversary remake. But the way Lara moves looks... really bad. Like they used the same animation rig with a new model or

Basically continue what I started: Ignore more modern games, that just cant hold my attention and play more older games, to get through all of those games, that are considered CLASSICS and I somehow never touched, while still owning them.

To be fair, I have not played that game yet. Don't own it because it never came to PAL Territory as far as I know and I still haven't found the cash for a pal repro either. I plan to buy it someday, though. 

Games I want to finish from my backlog? I want to play the first Blood Omen, finally. The series was one of the first games I bought for myself (Blood Omen 2, so it only got better for me) and I still have not played the very first one. Also... I finally want to give the Shenmue-series the attention it deserves and

As I am a physical collector I buy them original, but because of time constraints I started to play many old games on my gpd XD+, a 3ds style Android device with buttons. I don’t need to save state my way through a game, but for some games it's convenient to be able to leave them at a moments notice. Thanks to that I

@Old games: If you like older games go with them. If you dont like them you can always upgrade and if you like them you have a reason to replay them with the remaster a few years down the line.

I have not finished the original, but what I played so far (like... a few hours) feels vastly superior. I like my old games and judge them based on other games on that same system. And SD3 feels like a high-budget and high-quality SNES-game, while the Remaster itself feels like a pretty low-budget game, especially

I had the same feeling when I bought it. Always heard that Ys is good, but back then I haven’t played a single game (which changed... A LOT after this game). It hooked me the very first second. Great music, great gameplay.

Terranigma is probably the best game the US never got. Its so unique compared to the usual fanfare of scifi and fantasy square enix and others pumped out back in the day. Its atmosphere was incredible and the fact that it also played really good (even on 50 Hz Pal it was a pleasure) made this the best RPG on the SNES.

Its an impossible port. It’s just fun to imagine the best frame rate on the switch. It would not matter how bad it would look (probably between n64 and Dreamcast with the resolution of the nes or so), it would still the best playable version and this would drive sooooo maaaany people soooo mad. I would buy the game on

Funny thing is that so many games on the switch look soooo much better than THIS XD it would still be interesting to see how cut back everything would be just to get it to work.

A bet over two years ago had me play at least one game of every console and handheld I own over the course of one year. After that I realized that I had more fun with Tomb Raider 1996 than with Rise of the Tomb Raider, was more in awe of Panzer Dragoon Saga than any RPG that year and found a love in those PSP era

I want Deathsmiles. I freaking love this game to death. But yeah, CAVE... I take everything from you, thank you. 

I LOVE this series so much, just played Ys 1 and 2 on the PC Engine Mini a few months back for the very first time (only played the newer ones before that). I would freaking love to own these vertsions, but they will probably sell out instantly and never pop up on ebay for a normal price... :( Even the normal released