RIP Bump Bailey

Nice of J. Lo to have the cake customized for his personality.

I have to say, as a non-Yankee fan, this systematic destruction of Jeter’s carefully crafted public image - largely at his own hands - pleases me greatly.

+1 but -11 Fangraphs range factor

I enjoy this in anticipation of the explosion of rage Jeets fans are gonna have when he fails to get 100% of the vote because of this. It will be GLORIOUS!

Jeter never called or corresponded with either in any way, and indeed to this very day neither have heard from Jeter directly

Yep. Just a faraway observer, but one would think that Loria set the bar so low that with minimum effort any new ownership group could clear that hurdle. But Jeter seems bound and determined to crawl under it.

Has anyone ever pointed out that Jeter is in the same “face family” as Putin.

Yeah, bringing in Arians usually has the opposite effect. 

Arians is a great coach but he is delegating more than Trump, and to people who are about as competent as Stephen Miller but with less racism.

The Bucs suck so blandly they aren’t even the worst run pirate-themed NFL team to have hired Jon Gruden.


I remember when I first saw Fitzpatrick in that outfit I couldn’t figure out why Connor McGregor was giving a press conference for the Bucs

he is entitled to think its not political in the same way i am entitled to think its absolute bullshit.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

The Raiders are the embodiment of the guy that goes out of his way to bump you on the sidewalk, then trips over his own feet when he tries to turn around and start something

In a league where domestic violence is as common as our president struggling with the English language, it’s a dude who kneeled during a song that put you over the edge?

shut up

Shit, Ken O’Brien was better than Sanchez.