RIP Bump Bailey

ABC’s morning schedule would never be the same.

“Raiders fans are the kind of people who are likely to spend every weekend in Las Vegas anyway.

semi-serious question: Where did the Kermit/tea meme come from? I totally don’t get it but it’s everywhere.

Odds of Durant & LeBron playing for Lakers next year > Odds NBA punishes Magic or the Lakers for these comments.

“I was just surprised at the length and duration of their vulgar behavior. No one around them appeared to take them to task or call them out. It went out for minutes before I rolled.”

Yes, of course I’ve heard of UCLA. Their dynasty was before my time, but I’m pretty sure that a) I would have gotten really sick of them after 2 straight undefeated seasons and b) their margins weren’t nearly as large as the UConn women.

I think if a men’s team played like this for a season people would love it. But this has been going on for a long time and shows no sign of letting up, and I think the men’s tournament would suffer if a team dominated for such a long period.


I used to like him too. Thought he was great when he first joined WFAN - he really did know his stuff back in the 1980s, especially college football and hoops. I actually credit Mike with getting me interested in college football. He wrote the 1988 season preview for some now-defunct magazine (I think “Inside Sports”)

I follow a few of the mongo twitter accounts: @wfantrades especially. I find Mike unlistenable most of the time. But these guys are pretty funny and apparently Mike was talking about Trump a LOT a couple weeks ago; I got the (admittedly second-hand) impression that he was echoing stuff like “America doesn’t win any

Mike’s apparently been saying nice things about Trump, no?

Good. I’m a casual CBB fan but I turned this off the second I heard Gumbel say it would take two hours. Even one hour was pushing it for me. I HATE talking head shows.

Can’t think of a better way of proving you’re not gay than this:

No, I’m sure Dolan still thinks Big Chief Triangle will build a championship team around Anthony.

They always do this at the fancier hotels (avoid saying the room # out loud) but at cheaper/smaller places that doesn’t seem to apply.

I’d still rather watch him than Berman.

a lot of guys “somehow” improved their power in that era. Most of us tried very hard not to think about why this was happening.

He was a really good, versatile player and an underrated hitter who walked a ton. But he always seemed really angry, and probably got ejected as much as any other player during his career. RIP.

Maybe they’ll make him wake up at 6 AM to run for a few weeks.