
Amen to that. I love how these people get on a high horse about calling others snowflakes, but they throw a temper tantrum over someone wearing a t-shirt or a Starbucks cup saying “happy holidays”.

The more I think about it, the weirder I find people who think demanding justice can be reduced to “being political”.

At least Mercedes said the right thing:

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

Thank you for proving my point. 

Jesus Fucking Christ 16 stars for this bullshit. The Jalopnik commentariat really is the dumbest of all the gizmodo sites. 

So when can we bring Breonna Taylor's murderers to justice?

Innocent? No I am calling you the racist, just like everyone else in this thread. There are at least 5 other people on here calling you out on your bullshit and not 1 person has either agreed or backed your statements here. And I have a feeling thats the same in real life any time you shit out any diarrhea from that

Flag him

Protesting against racism?? Dude wtf was the diatribe you went on. Something is really wrong with you dude.

A quarter of US citizens identify as having no faith. Sfoop declares a quarter of citizens as non-Americans. Problematic.

And religion is something private, not to be shown off in public, or paraded around like a badge:

Wow, the white supremacists and their excusers are out in full force on Jalopnik in this post.

Scary shit.

True Americans kneel only to God.”

Umm, separation of church and state? To claim that, you’re arguing against the Constitution. Not very ‘true American’ of you, is it?

BLM is about wanting to hold criminal responsible for their actions. Criminals within law enforcement, who - under qualified immunity - are virtually

You have read the clowns posts, right? Every one is full of truther statements, And bigoted remarks, he can’t even just type Hamilton- he has to slur it.

I didnt call you a journalist. I called you a fucking idiot hack...and you are literally spewing bullshit.

I said it before, I’ll say it again:

Thanks for identifying as a klansman and neo-nazi.

Ah, petty insults. Now that is how you win at argumentation.

I think he meant fucking idiot, but was too subtle in pointing it out.

“Fucking idiot hacks spewing empty bullshit”