
Journalism? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

I’ve been reading io9 since the beginning of my career in the creative fields. This was 10 years ago. So... I guess Io9 started when I did. I didn’t even realize that. It just seemed like it had always been there.

My one real criticism is the “love for the community” doesn’t seem reflected in how long active commenters

I’m sure the sales won’t suck at all because they’re is nothing comic book readers love more than racial politics mixed into their pleasure reading.

My takeaway from Thor:Ragnarok is that Brunnhilde was among the Valkyries killed by Hela, and she’s the one who passed this Valkyrie the sword in the scene in the movie. I was a big Valkyrie fan in the ‘70s and ‘80s comics, so that’s how I rationalize loving both characters. And I do love this new one. But my fan

I feel like there’s a hint of misogyny behind this too. Like, “look how they’re like high school girls! High school girls are the wooooorst.”

Every time I think about the Democratic party these days I think about this gif.

Maybe too soon for the superpowered kids?

The script was embarrassingly bad.

What’s not to love about that movie.

I don’t mind new characters at all but currently it seems to me at least that these new characters are replacing established and loved ones instead of creating brand new ones. Why create a new Spidey, Thor, Iron Man when you can create a brand new character with a brand new power set and before you say that can’t be

No, that’s ridiculous. My argument has been about taking established characters, replacing them with someone new for the sake of diversity and then expecting fans of those characters to be happy.
Most of those crying out for diversity don’t even read the damn comics, they just wanted representation. It’s an insult to

Oh and america chavez was one of the most poorly written things I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across.

Turning Thor into a woman (his name isnt actually his name, its a title?), and making her more power than the actual Thor was it. And then they made her talk to the hammer and it likes her better?

Sorry, but is this the same She-Hulk that was working under the title Hulk? Where she didn’t hulk out for the first six issues? Where the usual happy go lucky gal we’ve loved for 30 years was all mopey and insecure? Where after 12 issues they changed the title back to She-Hulk and numbered it 159?


Yes She-Hulk is an established character, but the point remains the same. Off the top of my head, Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Man all replaced by other people wearing their costumes.
Also America Chavez was poorly written. Glad it’s cancelled.

Aye, look at Saga. A whole host of interesting characters that aren’t the generic white dude and people love it. Make new characters, new stories, and people will read them. Take existing characters and replace them with new people who tick the diversity box and you won’t sell to the people who demanded that change

Once again, Charles and io9 are treating the natural lifecycle of modern comic books, especially those with middling sales, as an attack on diversity. Hilarious. Your agenda is showing.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Just think of when Image or Darkhorse first hit the market. They had new characters and new ideas that blew Marvel and DC out of the water. The comic community is more than willing to spend money on new characters (regardless of ethnicity or sexual orientation). but “shoehorning”