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BMBs’ “Writing Process” officially confirmed:

The main question was: why did anyone let Bendis anywhere near a title unless they wanted it throughly destroyed?

This! So much this! I thought they had the worst music of any Marvel film and was appalled at the gigantic misstep for a film that looks so good. Now I’m hearing that deaf people actually LOVE this noise?! o_O I’m shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked. Everyone has different tastes.

“All the released Black Panther trailers so far have had one thing in common: incredible music.”

So no African artists available to make music?

Lorca isn’t crazy; he has PTSD. Calling him crazy is extremely disrespectful to everyone who has PTSD.

Not been loving this current arc or most of the this version of the Hulk. Overall I get the impression the writers don’t know how to write a smart character or really know what they want out of Amadeus as a character. He has moments here and there across this and champions, but I fell like they are not using what is a

Iceman is cancelled.

How about the truth that Marvel is publishing a bunch of books no one wants to read?

That specific book didn’t sell well because it wasn’t good. Look at the comment section. No one is mourning that specific book.

People didn’t support it because the book was bad. This is a mercy-killing. If there was a few other comics with queer female lead, we wouldn’t even hear about it.

Another day, another Charles Pulliam-Moore outrage article. Yawn.

Well I guess it must’ve sucked, then.

Thank god someone said this. Queer or not, a bad comic is a bad comic.

Looks to me like virtue signalers are very vocal, but don’t buy comics....

Another case of people getting the pitchforks out for diversity and then not supporting it.

The gay Iceman character was a terrible idea. Lets create a new gay character by completely destroying and pushing down an existing character and trying to replace it. Everyone who loved iceman before will surely love the new one we replace it with! Sorry, not how it works. America Chavez didnt work because it wasnt

If the book doesn’t sell then it’ll get cancelled. Marvel isn’t a charity and profit margins in the comics industry are razor thin. It can’t afford to publish books if nobody buys them regardless of the sexuality of its characters

Stop trying to make The Inhumans happen.

Bunch of faux outrage over this.