
Well, if she develops stuff as bad as Jessica Jones season 2, then I’m going to say that WB WAAAAAAAAY overpaid her.

Nolan is a good director and a terrible writer

Maybe Waititi can take over the project. Imagine Bond under his direction.

“i’m mad cause starfire is black”, said no one, except the screeching gremlins inside Gizmodo’s brain.

Swing and a miss. The whole point of the nerd angst is that (among a lot of weird characterization) they made Starfire look she turns cheap glowy tricks near some sleazy dive bar.

Yeah, I think this guy sees racism in god damned everything so he can get clicks.

No one cares that they cast a black actress you one-note hack, the problem is they dressed her, literally, like a NY streetwalker circa 1985. She looks god awful.

Point of order...Kori/starfire has been around comics longer than Rags Morales career. Regardless of his choices in IC, Naomi Campbell is not the template for Starfire overall,not that it matters. For the record, 95% of fans who have trouble with this casting are not upset at race at all....rather the wig and costume

Welp, another day, another case of IO9 claiming that people not happy with a show are racist Nazi bastards. And implying (if not outright saying) that anyone not happy with some show is a Nazi or racist or misogenist.

I was under the impression that most (rational) people just hated the outfit and the hair. I get that they were going for the earlier years curly haired Starfire, but those curls were not tight ringlets like the hair here; also, the weird glowing/fire effect looks really bad.

Charles has that mindset often. He is of the mind that representation is more important than quality. It doesn’t matter if the project is terrible, as long as it’s about someone other than white men it should be unanimously praised and win all the awards. 

Because her costume and hair look terrible, it’s hard to tell if her skin is orange or not, her powers were changed from Starbolts to fire, and it’s just one more irritation in a trailer full of tone-deaf irritation.

I am now fully convinced that Alliterator is just a troll account. Probably Russian. There is just no way you actually believe what you post. Poe’s law. 

Diversity is all well and good, but the characters created needed to be better developed and fleshed out. In the case of the new characters in the Star Wars saga films that is not the case. Compared to characters in core trilogy and even Rogue One they came off shallow and barely a concept. Calling everybody who has

It’s always the color of the skin when it comes to this network of websites 

Well, from my perspective it has nothing to do with race, nor the actress. I mean, look at that final result for the show. It’s terribad. Period. Insulting to all Tamarians.

Maybe I need to become a writer around here, because I’m a black guy who makes a point that nobody else black seems to care making:

A race-baiting article by CPM. It must be a day ending in Y.

I don’t care if the actor is blue, or yellow, or made of cheese. The product is crap, but that isn’t the actor’s fault. Flaming cheeto haired special effects do not a Starfire make, and her outfit is ...not anything like Starfire.