
yup. Everyone should be fired for everything... until it’s them who makes the mistake

Rowling didn’t just create a fake name, she wrote a fake author bio for the first novel claiming to be a former military police investigator and saying that the stories were inspired by those real-life experiences. That’s a completely false claim, and presented in a way that would make potential buyers believe they

Japanese-American guy here, and I have to say, while it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, I’m not sure saying the guy used “yellowface” or is guilty of “cultural appropriation” (something people whine about far too much) is necessary.

...and I find it highly amusing that most of the people upset about this are

Sorry to sound insensitive, but good for him. He did what he had to in order to get the job he wanted. He went out of the box.
If you are saying now he got the job based on false pretenses then you are also saying that Marvel hired because of race. Can’t have it both ways folks.

lol is right. wake up dude. this has nothing to do with journalistic style. they have figured out how to turn outrage into profit and theres no turning back. get used to it.

It’s a bit manipulative to start article by placing Cebulski, whose actions may be questionable, but didn’t actually hurt anybody, alongside with sexual predators, who did cause harm to other people. I don’t think this whole situation warrants a serious response.

Nah, this is Gizmodo. It’s just white (straight) men that are terrible.

Hey Charles? I think you’re probably a good writer, but the last three things I’ve seen you write are “omg can you believe how racist this person is?”.

Oh, is this still a thing?

I’ve got to be honest, I’m a little confused by the outcry here. May be a cultural thing that I’m just not understanding (in which case fair enough), but can someone explain to me why this is so much different/worse than any other author who uses a pseudonym to get a foothold in a specific way? Such as, say, a male

I’m trying to see the problem here? We have a US Senator who claimed to be native american to get high paying jobs in academia and she’s not apologizing.

Getting a cool Gatchaman vibe from their costume design. Love it!

OooOooh look at me. I’m soooo hip I can hate on something just because I don’t connect with the fans.

I thought Israel was in Asia. Thinking every Asian person is yellow skinned and slant-eyed is racist.

He did and it stands true. This argument is one sided. If they had cast the lead character played by Zoe Salana no one would be bitching about this.

It’s called...

And Natalie Portman isn’t Jewish.

So, their race is briefly mentioned in barely a few sentences in the second volume of a series.

I guess Oscar Isaac isn’t hispanic anymore.

“White actors act like this.”