
Needs more frames per second I think? It looks slightly choppy to me, especially the slow-mo moments.

I’m going to assume you meant ‘Trademark law’ rather than ‘Copyright law’. You can’t copyright a word or phrase - copyrights only apply to complete creative works. In this case, SDCC would have trademarked the term “Comic Con”. The arguments given are classic trademark arguments that wouldn’t apply to a copyright

If someone says, “I’m going to Comic Con,” can you be reasonably certain they aren’t referring to San Diego Comic-Con?

This is a sucky and ridiculous ruling.

The only thing I don’t like about this is the animation frame rates, its like the creepy movements from caroline.

I thought from the initial premise that this was just going to be the story of Miles taking up the mantle, but I guess they’re pulling from the Spider-Verse storyline.

What the hell!!! Is that just me or is that frame rate all over the place?

Ironic, since i dont remember the last time SDCC had anything to do with goddamn comics.

Why do you conflate trademark and copyright throughout this article? They are not the same. Trademark is the correct legal issue. Copyright does not apply to this lawsuit.

Now playing

They have options, but I know one option, BiMonSciFiCon, has been taken.

That hardly seems fair, given that SDCC is far more about movies, TV, and gaming these days than it is about comics. So if anything, they should be the ones to change their name.

Always nice to see we can come together and not quibble over the little stuff, especially these days when we such other pressing matters to address in this country. Oh, wait...


Yeah, it’s honestly...dulled my enthusiasm for the movie, especially considering other, weirder “coincidences” (like how they apparently are both introduced eating boiled/rotten eggs?). I like Del Toro and the movie will doubtless be quite wonderful, but it does feel like Mignola should be getting some serious

It’s 100% obvious it’s ripped off of Abe Sapien. An article about the “character design” is just salt in that wound

“coincidence” 😂🙄

isn’t it very, very obvious that the creatures design was ripped from Mike Mignola’s Abe Sapien (Hellboy and BPRD)?

Breaking news: No one is 100% good or bad.

...If there are no aliens in it, why would it be called Alien? Isn’t that...kind of missing the entire premise of the franchise?