
Okay spin-off:

Calling it - that person was family to the owner.

Everyone in this comment section except Mr. Majestyk is now in the band.

“The doc tells me to take it easy and put my feet up. I thought, ‘I’m not fucking havin’ that’. I got some of Moose’s acid, dripped it in the cut and ran back out with me shakers. Fuckin’ raz!”

I’ll put whoever the fuck I want in my band.

I had to check twice that he wasn’t mentioned because you simply cannot write this article without mentioning Bez.

The reason why this is changing is because record sales are no longer the primary source of income for a band, the live show is.

Kindly disagree. I think the more apt comparison would be judging a cake on how it looks. A cake isn’t a good cake if it tastes bad, like a band isn’t a good band if their music sucks. But a visual components can enhance an already good cake as well as a solid band. Of course, often all that glitz is just makeup for

Adam Scott and Craig Robinson are now free to join Jon Hamm and Paul Rudd in my new action comedy, The Affables.

Commence with the gnashing of teeth and the rending of clothing.  This is so completely terrible.  We are so fucked, even if we take the house the senate and the presidency again these lifetime appointments of the judiciary are going to screw us over and over and over again for years.  I need to go throw up.

I love This House Has People In It.

Quentin Tarantino, the 70s, and a killer cast?  Take my money, please....

I don’t know, I thought the ARG that followed Unedited Footage of a Bear was amazing, and incredibly overlooked. the one shot from eagle-eye camera in a house where members of the family were just succumbing to this disease that made them sink into the floor, and it took you to a website where you could dig around and

Pretty sure that wasn’t meant to “show him”, but whatevs.

Gods like, don’t need morals, man.

Thats a funny way to spell Yoshi.

I wish someone else made that movie like Spike Jonze or Michele Gondry or something. Not you Tim Burton I don’t trust you anymore. Like it might be okay by Zemeckis, but I feel like it’s gonna be way to obvious and sappy. What about John Patrick Shanley as an esoteric choice to throw out there.

“Wooooooo- spooky cup...”

I feel like the Hynes / Tennant combo was already plenty sad as an imagined married couple back in Doctor Who’s “Human Nature”