
Go tell her to feed your cats.

Raphael, you obviously just learned about the true scale of MPG. The difference at the lower end is a much much bigger change than the difference on the higher end. 15-25 is huge, 25-35 is not.

I don't know if the Lambo had less damage, it looks pretty messed up. The Nissan is on its side so it's hard to tell. Regardless, this is probably one situation where have a 3800lb sports car is advantageous.

It's still a good tip, joke or not. I'm fairly certain hilikusopus got the joke too.

Wait, did you just refer to Gizmodo as a "scientific online magazine?" LOL dude. It's a blog written by completely unscientific minds.

No one can disprove the existence of a god-like being, really. It's easy to poke holes in Christianity or any other religion for that matter. But is there really an omniscient being that kicked off the universe? You can't disprove it with evolution or the big bang. That's ridiculous.

Pumping brakes has nothing to do with dispersion of force or prolongation of the impact. It's simply to maintain control of the car while braking.

I don't disagree mostly, but the reason they sold it at $40 for so long was so many would upgrade. Remember, MS doesn't sell hardware (let's just forget about the Slate, lol) so they actually need to turn a profit from OS sales here.

This commercial is awesome. Jamaicans speak English. What's the problem?

That's true, of course. But things like this always remind me of a friend of mine who smokes like a chimney. I was drinking a diet Coke one day and he tells me that artificial sweetener could be bad for my health based on some research. I just don't wanna be that guy, you know.

I used to smoke a little and like you never indoors. But can you really criticize people who do? I'm sure there are people lined up to tell you how gross you smell after smoking a cigarette, even if outdoors.

Yeah, I doubt the poster even read the full article or saw the video at the source. Pretty bad.

Really? No Smart car?

When someone says a luxury car is a gussied up version of its non-luxury namesake, a lot of the times, it makes sense. Other times it can be misleading.

No driver is more dangerous than the one that thinks he's a good one.

The stage that they were set for were indeed "low-brow." However, there is real genius in his work, and that's why it's stood the test of time.

This is why I visit Giz much less lately. Thanks.

Ah, thanks, that makes some sense. I'd imagine the energy density of the batteries also had something to do with it.

Yeah that's what I'd imagine too. But it'd be nice to know for sure. I'd sure feel safer if I knew that battery pack was powering the USB ports in the seats, or if it was part of some type of redundant array.

For all the articles we see about this issue, it would be nice if some site (say a tech blog) went over what this battery is used for. I'm assuming it's not to cold crank the jet engines.