
FACT: In the time I've worked for both AT&T and T-Mobile, I have never, in any department, been able to track anyone's position. Customers assume I can; I shake my head, cancel their registration to the tower, and the call "drops"/

Or even better: ATMS. *shudder*

The guys upstairs from me had this crazy idea; he came down, knocked on the door, and said, "Hi, I live upstairs. I don't mean to make a big deal, but sometimes the music down here is a little umm...over-loud. It's not even really the volume; it's the bass resonating. Would you mind maybe toning it down a little?"

Yeah, I think a very large portion of the people who use Facebook use it begrudgingly.

""YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS WAS GOING ON? YOU DON'T CHECK MY FACEBOOK?" Yeah no, sorry, maybe you could fucking call or text instead! "

You mad bro? Here's the fact. Some people don't like Facebook. Some people only begrudgingly use facebook. But guess what? Some people do like it. And *gasp*, your opinion doesn't matter to them.

@DaveyNC; that's naive. You'd be amazed how many incompetant morons make it through annual reviews at some places.

Think Gamer *wink*

Nobody HAS to use Windows. Don't want to pay for OS X? Your fault. Don't want to learn to use one of the many, many variations of Linux? Your fault. Don't blame Windows for your laziness.

I want a radiation-proof TRON suit! Hell yes!

Is everybody here suffering from ADD? Hold your goddamn eyes still, it'll disappear.

Nah, that's drugs.

Ok, I'm sorry, but here's the fact. You can't see? I can. You are LESS ABLE than I am. It's not your fault, it doesn't make you less of a human being, or anything like that. Accept it, it's just a word.

I'm confused, and yes, I skimmed.

5. Agency tracks you down, since they'd need to in order to track your GPS in the first place, and puts a new device in your GPS.

Have you ever watched like, a movie? Any disaster movie? Ever?

Nobody panics until they're told to panic. Emergency Broadcast Test on Giz? I'm getting my gun.

Come on, folks. Smoking is bad. We know this. Newborn babies are going to be genetically instilled with this knowledge, it's so embedded in our culture. This knowledge isn't stopping people from smoking, and disgusting pictures aren't either.

Stone, glass and metal? In a building? No way1

Wow, solid reporting, Diaz. Good to see.