
Yeah, nobody talks about what they're the symbol for. Did Kurt Cobain call himself the voice of the 90's? No, everybody else did after he died.

Not sure if you're aware of this, but when something is hanging from something else, it's not "floating". Please review your Oxford English Dictionary before pretending to be a journalist again.

I get that you're Hispanic, Jesus, but here's the deal. Your audience is gonna recognize "St. Francis of Assisi" long before they recognize "San Francesco d'Assisi".

Because "aliens" is a goddamn shitty word for "immigrants".

How many times will you assholes ask this question before you figure out Giz is no longer solely tech, has not been for months, and will not go back to doing so? Nobody cares.

GOOD GOD learn to type. That is just...absolutely awful.

Did you read the part that said, if it becomes intolerable, GTFO?

See, NOW you need to be fired, Jesus. Every single day, you ride the line of spiteful comments, show your Apple fanboyness everywhere you go, but NOW you're blatently ripping on them? ON THE SAME BLOG THAT SAYS TO STOP CONVERTING PEOPLE TO YOUR TECH RELIGION.

To be fair, Winamp, one of the most popular media players out there, has this little tag below its logo..."AOL music."

Is it that it's naked? It's because it's naked, right? please tell me when we're naked we're likely to live longer.

Yeah, take the hippie hat off and think for a minute bro. Nucllear isn't really that dangerous. Chernobyl and Fukishima; that's IT.

I don't know why Apple promotes this ridiculous post-modern image. Like they're edge, or something. I'd be happier if they acted like the big white corporate giant they are.

Yeah, I saw that movie "From Hell" too. You guys know what a conspiracy theory is, there at Giz?

"virii"? really? viruses. More than one virus, and you're looking at viruses.

Now, I'm no gun expert, but wouldn't parts of it, like the firing pin, HAVE to be metal? Or is the issue that those individual parts don't really look like a gun on their own.

What are you doing wasting enough time to comment? Leave, read, move on, pick one. Nobody cares.

Pretty sure Dr. Dre is the only rapper widely accepted as "today's greatest PRODUCER"

Where the hell do you kids get your culture these days? Lou Reed, man! One of the godfathers of punk!

I'm happy to see 36 Crazyfists in the Winamp screenshot. I forgot that band, and miss them.

So, because you get bored, and because you feel going fast makes you pay more attention, we should change the law to allow people like you to speed? Should we take the decision out of informed hands and allow any "shitty/asshole driver" to make that decision, not only on behalf of themselves, but on the behalf of the