
(sigh), I probably would... :(

Right. And he laughed at her when she said she wanted one. "You want to have one! Hahahaha!"

@FlameCell: Oh! Their precious minds! Shield them from the knowledges!

@octasquid: I don't have time to pay attention to proper grammar. There are too many articles to read. Just give me info in the least amount of words!

@EljhHck: Shouldn't it be her choice? It's her body...

@blairjdh: I want to see a Christopher Guest movie about mini-golf

@G_BOY185: Now that you got our attention, we are all annoyed. Congrats.

@siwex80: I knew a guy up north that went out in -83F weather with a bucket of boiling corn syrup, and he died

@EShow: I think they were trying to say "The Northwest Territories HAD haven't has this much seen excitements in so since"

@tomcat1483: So you take the number (and the pin) and leave the grenade to blow up the complaint dept.?

@Settings: That would be a lovely job, wouldn't it? - Being the "gather up incoming grenades and stick pins in them" guy

@faulpeltz: "maybe att will stop sucking" Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...!

@RaindropBebop: Bonuses and more kitten faces to snack on.

@minardi: Erectile Dysfunctional Robot

@zenpoet: The required paperwork for taking a lunch break would take far too long to be able to take a lunch break