
@8thR: Wow! That guy is crazy! Really creative and gutsy.

Funny, this is the first I did after downloading facetime - I wonder how many other peoples thought of doing this.

@djalice: It's sorta like a laserdisc, but only smaller

Hebrews 11:3 "By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible."

@jiveabillion: It let you communicate with people on the internet, using a computer and a standard keyboard.

@JS_Drupal: Anyone that has cancer, loses.

@MEGAMODE: Sounds like a band name

@Shai: limp-wristed? Just because you disagree with what he believed?

@jsin1276: The world is ad supported!

@3Djesus: We need food, shelter, and crap to survive.

Apple could just call it "iTube"
