Miley Cyrus is, like, Justin Bieber-level douchecanoe.
Miley Cyrus is, like, Justin Bieber-level douchecanoe.
Hey, all you MAGAts out there who like to whine about “mah First Amendment rights!!!” whenever someone refuses to listen to you? Who screams about “sensorship!!!” [sic] whenever someone contradicts you?
If you look up the history of spinsters, they were actually highly paid independent women. I aspire to be a spinster.
What a perfect kitty! I love black cats, it’s like having a mini panther in your house.
You call him “fat,” I just call him “calorically embiggened.”
This was a legitimately deep dive and so revealing. Anyone who is an addict or has dealt with one as a child of an addict will be hit in the feels multiple times.
Poor Kaitlynn. She will never understand that no one is as into Miley as Miley is into herself. Cyrus just borrows personas and people depending on what mood she’s in and what will generate the most publicity. Cody Simpson will be giving this same interview a year or maybe even just a few months from now.
Nothing worse than incompetent bosses who break shit because they think they know better.
If he didn’t want to be groped, he shouldn’t have been wearing that hat.
Doolittle isn’t just the very best of the Nationals. He’s the best of baseball. We need a thousand more players like him.
You forgot Sean Doolittle, who is the very best of the Nationals. Doo is the best. He had the guts to state publicly why he wasn’t going. And he and his wife walk the walk and talk the talk in community activism. They hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Syrian refugees and got the community involved, when he was with…
Non-recycle-able plate - 0/10 for plating.
This is the only correct take. To quote Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."
If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.
Fuck off, Don.
My He-Mans would raid my sisters Barbie mansion and beat up Ken and steal Barbie and her friends away for an orgy at Castle Greyskull.
Thank you Rich, this was a really informative and interesting read. And for the record I always checked out what was down there on the Ken’s I inherited from my sister and I was always disappointed each time!
Yeah, turns out all social structures perpetuate humanity. The beautiful and the terrible. Faith is what you make of it. Religion is how you wield it. I always try to make this point when people lump all of religion in with the religious right. Yeah, it can be oppressive. So can many secular institutions. But it can…