Rooster of Doom

I can see, and to an extent agree with that.

If a game actively wants to be/make a political statement, I am all for it, otherwise I kinda disagree.

You left out the easiest and most effective way to avoid hot-weather food poisoning. Avoid hot-weather.

I read this article, and the South China Morning Post article it linked. The researchers are bragging about “carbonisation”, which basically just means burning to the point of blackening.

Nah, this would just be torture for deer. It instantly carbonizes skin, causing a shitload of pain, but would not likely be lethal at all, since it’s not even CLOSE to strong enough to vaporize the tissue, allowing the beam to reach any vitals. 

as a Texan, I keep going back and forth between:

You might want to take negotiating advice from billionaires that beat market averages. Trump is a terrible businessman that would literally be richer if he had just stuck his money into index funds.

  • What condiment is totally worth making yourself? Mayo is definitely worth making yourself, but I almost consider it like you consider ketchup. Homemade mayo is so different from commercial mayo that they occupy two different spaces to me. I have also done mustard and it was great, but not life-changing.

“Yes! Pizza.. One of the few positive things people automatically associate with Italians and Italy” 

I no longer have any skin in the game, but I would be pissed if I were in DC and still waiting tables.

Maybe. But dropping $25 million on a moment’s notice doesn’t really jibe with the feeling that We’re All In This Tough Moment For Tesla Together that Musk espoused in the email Tuesday.

You forgot Pratt. Pine is Chris #4.

Who the other act is is not “every little detail”. If awesome, much-loved, but semi-unknown Haim is playing an hour on the second stage and making 1/10th of Ed Sheeran doing two 90-minute closing night performances on the main stage, then I’d say that is pretty expected.



I get that, but there’s no way that the system would have been designed without a GUID tied to each coin, right? So it should be easy to have a list of stolen bitcoin GUIDs blacklisted, and decline if anyone ever tries to use them.

Crypto/Blockchain newbie here, with a legitimate question. I thought that the point of the blockchain was that all transactions are open, public and checked by a boatload of separate systems. Is that not the case?

I go through a ridiculous amount of iced coffee, and love every one of the OXO products I have ever purchased, so I was excited to hear about this.

I go through a ridiculous amount of iced coffee, and love every one of the OXO products I have ever purchased, so I

Schumer agreed, mostly, about tariffs on China. Schumer is very much against the EU/Canada/Mexico tariffs. For good reason.

Yup. I am glad that these games are getting put out, and tons of people love them, but I personally would rather have a fast-paced, epic monster beat-em-up.