Rooster of Doom

Hubble was initially approved in 1978 with a $36M budget for launch in 1983. It launched in 1986 after spending nearly $1.2B. Oh, and it didn’t work. Today it is widely held to be the greatest scientific instrument ever created.

It is possible to do both with a seat fully reclined in front of you. So please, use the seat you purchased as you see fit. I’m going to.

I’m just going to say it and start the war we all know is coming. I paid for a seat that reclines. Deal with it.

Came here to say this. I flew round trip from Denver to Dallas for less than $100 last year (on spirit). It cost nearly as much as my flight just to park my car at the airport than it did to catch a seat on a goddamn jet airplane.

The economics of the airline industry are brutal. I get why they would say “if you want more space, buy it.” It’s amazingly cheap to fly today. Far cheaper than it should be, to be honest.

Now playing

I’m not sure exactly how ‘staged’ this really still makesa great point nonetheless:

Yeah, orange liqueur is pretty non-negotiable. It’s in the original recipe.

After all, the Margarita is basically just a Sidecar that ran out of lemon and brandy.  

I don’t understand why orange liqueur is presented as optional.

Hey restaurant owners: live music is never a good idea if you’re not exclusively a bar. And if you charge me a cover because a band I didn’t know was going to be there starts playing half an hour after I sit down, I’ll find you, get your daughter to fall in love with me, marry her, then convince her to put you in an

I agree with everybody else.  Thin burgers are not better than thicker ones, they are just different.  Like coq au vin is different than fried chicken. Or even like different kinds of fried chicken can be equally good.

I’ll hand you the....Duesenberg? (never was big on pre-war stuff). The Jeep just looks like you cut up a $40 tent and duct taped it on a rollcage.

“it appears that even more are now opting for shredded white cheese in a handy resealable bag.”

I’m not claiming you are wrong, but 1000hp for 150k is pretty outstanding for a warrantied car recognized by the manufacturer. Sure you could build it cheaper but no manufacturer is selling you anything close to that for the price. Except maybe a hellcat demon but that’s a different type of tool and still not even 1k

Gunn addressed the jokes a while ago though, apologized, deleted the jokes, and didn’t make more.

Way to avoid the real question: if you make banh mi with human meat but don't use a Vietnamese person, is that cultural appropriation?

The thief was a child.

Seems like a valuable lesson for both the parents and the kid:

Nope. If I was dumb enough to try this shit when I was a kid, my mom would have beat my ass. The kid’s not gonna feel any shame from this, but the parents should and will.

I hate to agree with anything this administration does, but I’ve been saying this for years, so really they’re agreeing with me.

I mostly agree, but I separate the two like this: