Rooster of Doom

You are aware that Canada, Mexico and the EU are not in fact China, yeah?

Thanks for the info.

What did the combat actually FEEL like? My main disappointment with MHW was that watching videos, the combat looked like God of War, but actually played like a Souls game. I was expecting smashing buttons but one button press locked you into 3 dagger stabs/1.5 seconds.

It was reported that the plot actually was that, yeah. Focusing on the psychological toll taken on drone pilots.

Perfect! I thought that the most disappointing thing Bethesda could announce was a Fallout game instead of an Elder Scrolls game, but nope! An ONLINE-focused Fallout game is even more disappointing.

You keep referring to the songs as jokes. I’m not sure that I agree. I have always taken them as pretty serious, and totally awesome. I’ve never gotten “a bit of levity” out of them, as they are all pretty much perfectly matching the tone of the scene, somber or ominous.

I obviously cannot speak to his actual intentions, but it honestly sounds more like he was pissed that it wasn’t another job that could be given to a stuntperson. It seems to me that he (HUGELY DICKISHLY) sent her out there to hurt herself so she would always hire a stuntperson in the future.

I am only just now realizing that there are people who don’t immediately mute the audio on any browser game... I have probably not played with browser game audio since the mid 2000s.

Nah, donuts are the new cronuts. Voodoo donuts was doing it forever, but wacky, over the top donut glazes/toppings are exploding here now.

To use the feature, drivers press the Shell icon within the Marketplace app and select their preferred station location. After a few steps, a code will be generated that allows the user to activate a desired pump and start fueling. Payment is then automatically charged through its Fuel Rewards savings.

It really is completely, completely different. A restaurant that I worked at for a year just made the HV recipe, with a little splash of lemon juice, and extra fresh pepper. Consistently delicious, and was one of the things that we were known for.

Hidden Valley invented the flavor, but the bottled one is really bad. Freshly made using buttermilk and mayo, even with the HV brand packets is WILDLY different.

Most restaurants actually make it on premises. Even using Hidden Valley flavor packets, making it yourself with buttermilk and mayo is VASTLY superior to the shelf-stable bottled stuff.

Do you love Joy of Cooking’s Quick Fish Loaf? While it still contains some great stuff, we have moved past much of it. JoC waffles are so ratchet! Belgian yeast waffles are the new hotness!

YOU GTFO here with YOUR weak ass kitchen game. Unyeasted waffles? What’s even the point?

Came here to post almost exactly this. When not overcooked, the Dark Chocolate Ghiradelli mix is better than literally any scratch made brownie I have ever tasted, and I order brownies EVERYWHERE.

This is the complete opposite of my experience. In Highland Park in Dallas (old money Mecca), the 80% of people stick with Merc/BMW, 19% are Lexus, and then there is one family with a Denali, and one with a Tesla Model X.

I’m with you on this, would love an explanation. Otherwise, like, you wanted higher pay and went so far as to sue them. Why are you surprised that they did not choose to hire you again?


Those are called nanosats.