Rooster of Doom

As in my reply to KateFromIowa, the places it is eaten is not what I am getting at. Just as poutine is eaten all over Canada, but Quebec still feels a claim of ownership for it, so do I for chili.

And people eat poutine all over Canada. Chili gets eaten all over the states, but the origin is a point of pride for Texas, and to us is inherent in its identity. To us it is not an American dish, it is a Texas dish. I am not saying that this is correct taxonomy from a food classification perspective, but, it is what

Not saying that this is a good thing, but how do you know that you don’t have battery issues? The slowdown is to prevent experiencing symptoms of a degraded battery. It could just be doing exactly what it is supposed to for you.

What is 10 years of supervised probation going to accomplish here? Does anyone expect her to pursue a life of crime after she gets out? She had no criminal intent, just criminal stupidity.

Orangette is (are?) awesome! Thank you for spreading the gospel!

I was thinking this way too until I put myself in their position with something I personally care about. If someone from Europe called Chili an “American food” I would 10000% say “Nah man, it’s a TEXAS food.”

You could then spend your time making Youtube videos showing off all of your awesome cars and houses, while telling people that they just need to keep working hard at their shitty retail job.

If you hadn’t spent so much money on lunches (which I assume were all avocado toast), you could have afforded a new iPhone, which you should not have bought, then you would have enough for a house right now!

“Free market” could sort it out, except that the vast majority of areas do not have more than one broadband option. In my area, I literally ONLY have SuddenLink. If Suddenlink decided to throttle, I have absolutely zero recourse. I could not switch to someone else, and vote with my wallet.

He called her a “Trump Voter”?

You keep saying that in a small room, your 1080p might be enough. I thought the whole thing was you are MORE likely to notice the difference in a small room, with the TV closer to you. It’s from further distances that it is more likely that you will be unable to tell the difference.

This makes me so sad. I actually like some Ed Sheeran songs, but Shape of You is just.. The Worst. I could not escape it this summer, and I just cannot fathom how anyone could like it.

35 grinds for half a teaspoon?!? You have GOTTA get a Unicorn Magnum! It may sound like a disturbing sex toy, but it is actually the best pepper grinder ever made. It shoots out more, perfectly ground (variable size) pepper than anything else that I have used. It’s incredible.

It has nothing to do with them being fans. New Yorkers are the worst people, and thus, New Yorkers who are fans will also be the worst fans by virtue of their inherent terribleness.

My receipt from my last trip to the ER for sutures showed that the sutures themselves cost $400 for some fancy string. How much will this cost me?

Hope you are ready for a drastic increase is fatalities and health care expenses. In 2013 (latest year I can find NHTSA numbers for), motorcycles accounted for approximately 20x more fatalities per mile traveled. Motorcycles were 22.92 fatalities per 100 mil vehicle miles traveled, compared to 1.09 fatalities per 100

If it’s not worth it to you anymore, cancel away, this is the way it should be.

I dunno man... I may have to test this out this weekend. Given the lower moisture content, I would still be inclined to not cook the cakies well done.

I wasn’t satisfied until 13 minutes and a clean toothpick