Rooster of Doom

Sure. This absolutely happens. But the people making that additional content in tandem with the base game are paid with money budgeted for that purpose. If they were not making that additional content, they would be making nothing at all, because the budget would not have been increased to pay for it.

You seem to have this image of good guy devs, slaving away, and then the cackling publisher swoops down moments before the master gets printed, stealing chunks of the game and ransoming it as DLC.

How much money did Big Avocado Oil pay you for this article?!?!

Coulda saved everyone a whole bunch of time and effort. It’s pineapple on pizza.

BlueMaw had a great explanation. Makes total sense now. I was thinking the more traditional modern MMO “gold farming” method of compromising accounts, selling off all of their stuff, then the company restores the account. Effectively 100% gold duplication which drives inflation, as opposed to increased supply of a

Great explanation. Makes perfect sense to me now. Thanks for taking the time for such a great writeup.

Not only, he explained, has the average price of the item plummeted from nearly 3,000 gold to 1,500 gold over the course of this year

This is the perfect example of an observation I loved from The Good Place.

leaving the altered mice with fewer sperm and smaller testicles, making them effectively sterile. The scientists said that the mice experienced no significant side effects.

it’s the modern equivalent of clipping coupons

My last 3 laptops have all been 17s, and I cannot really justify spending “Gaming laptop money” on anything smaller personally.

Can anyone tell me the Nürburgring time of my 2017 Chevy Volt? I cannot seem to find it anywhere. With Sport mode on it feels pretty quick, so it’s gotta be running pretty close to sub-sevens.

I would feel bad for those guys, but did they really have any hopes or expectations when getting into bed with the complete garbage fire of a company that is Uber?

I did the exact same thing. Then rebought MIDA and fed it a 275 blue scout to get it back up to passable for use in the raid for the tunnel.

When you work for wages, you’re basically selling your time and talents. If you don’t get a fair price, you withhold that time and talent until you can reach an agreement with your “customer” (employer) You already have an agreement, in full force, that the job is yours, but the recompense in in question.

That said, she had one fucking song. She’s the equivalent of Vanilla Ice Y2K.

Watch 21 grams. It edges out Requiem by a tiny bit in the despair department.

It is a CRIME that you wasted a meal in Nashville on Cookout. I’m glad you got to Husk (I was there Sunday), but man... Peg Leg Porker, Monell’s, Loveless Cafe, Arnold’s, McDougal’s, Prince’s... The list goes on. To waste stomach space on Cookout... Shameful!

KBB says 9K-11K, that’s pretty steep to me. I’d go 5K cash for this.

There’s been some great replies, including some good disagreement, but: