
Did you have to say huge though? Salt, man.

I’m ready for Dems in congress to just go full Tea Party. No attempts at governing, just obstruct whatever the opposing party is trying to do and hope you get rewarded come midterms because they’re in charge now and then everything can be blamed on the GOP. Why not?

will you agree to be a stop on our underground railroad?

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

You know what? I’m sick of us trying to placate working class whites. I’m poor, have been incarcerated and have struggled with a drug problem. But I still have basic human empathy. Poor people don’t need to be infantilized. Poor POC sure as shit aren’t voting for trump. I understand the anger and I’m angry too but

Curious as to how his views may have evolved on the issue of Oligarhs.

Some perspective on how historic this is:


This is much ado about nothing. It was just a joke. It’s not like anyone has ever used violent imagery to suggest that politicians they disagree with should be shot, then someone actually went and shot those people!


bye bye

I loathe Trump as much as the next Jezebel commenter, but I hate this sign stealing/burning stuff.

I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.

$100 Pence gives the “official” on the night concession.

Oh please let’s win the House. I can’t stand eight more years of Congress refusing to actually do any work.


Old Soviet Joke:

omg. her drunk brain thought “conservation group” = “conservative group”

He’s going to make being dirt poor great again.