
“I can’t swim! I can’t swim!”

Forget zoo enclosures - tiger talk show?!

It’s so beautiful...

Never trust someone who is finger-tenting.

“It’s not about discrimination against LGBT people, except for the parts that totally are. And don’t think about the parts that remove local minimum wage laws, because....hey look over there!”

^ S/he’s very offended.

Loving (i.e. hating-actually-but-in-a-resigned-and-bitter-way) consistency with which morally bankrupt people pursue imaginary crimes to boost their non-existent ethical credentials.

Wow. Just wow. These fucking guys. You know how history looks at Joseph McCarthy in scorn? Welcome to the club you god damned shitlords.

Right! And the parents said that they don’t do anything at all to it which, girl I guess....

Lindsay Graham, though ever the belle of the ball, is an extremely dangerous radical and I hope this latest junket doesn’t convince people otherwise.

Charismatic, no. Talented, no. Unique, almost certainly.

What does that even mean? How would you even begin to back up an assertion like that?

*sits back and waits for mittens to explain which policies are so different*

This is insane. I feel like....I worry that my head will explode. Good news this is my view from my hotel right now!

“Hey, that’s awesome! Congr...”

Especially babies in the womb.

No, I made it up. Alexander Hamilton did not get an abortion, to the extent of my knowledge.

Why don’t any of these morons know that a “lame duck” president is a sitting president after the next president is elected? So from November to January of their last term. The entire last year of the last term does not make a president a “lame duck”!