

Dildos at dawn!

Two Corinthians One Trump is the next viral video.

Frank just got so pissed ‘cause now he has to tag along with this shit-show of a campaign until its merciful death.

Definitely the Iranians. We should have never surrendered.

We all know this is Obama’s fault.

All you need to do now is find a way to blame this on Russia.

Oh my god. It’s not abortion that is the great evil of this generation.

My wife had Fox News on last night when she went to bed. The woman and her two guests repeatedly talked about how embarrassing it was and how these soldiers were forced to do things they didn’t want to do and that it was basically an act of war.

Sorry, Sara, Be glad it wasn’t a deer.

“You can’t fire me, GOP debate! I quit!!”

It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male

Not really getting where the hate for Gervais is coming from. To me he remains a great example of the comedian who always punches up and never punches down.

great minds.......

for some reason: the “everything’s bigger in Texas” trope comes to mind

either or, adjust the dosage

In some environments, that level of delusion might merit a 72 hour watch.

The solution to disproportionate responses by the government to persons of color is not to call for disproportionate responses by the government to white people. It’s to stop disproportionate responses against persons of color.

After a while it gets boring bringing your trucks to the same spot at the far end of the Walmart parking lot and you start thinking “guys, what if maybe there’s more to life”