Ooo fascinating. This is real time Confirmation Bias unfolding right here. You read the facts and still chose not to believe them. I always wondered how people got from A to B when facts contradicted their strongly held beliefs, but there you have it.
That meme doesn’t apply: I was never, at any point, losing the debate with you. You never even debated! You simply walked in the room, took a dump on the floor and claimed superiority.
Lol. I’m sorry I wrote you a coherent and thoughtful reply. After reading further through the thread, it’s abundantly clear that:
It’s really rude of him to do this when she just birthed another prop-oh sorry I mean child.
After my car accident outside of the abortion clinic, protesters came to my car and were waving rosaries with plastic fetuses in place of the beads in the window. Never asked if I was okay.
Wow, I looked her up. She’s a piece of work. Tried to primary Pete Sessions in 2014 and lost. In 2011 she was leading seminars about the “UN Agenda 21” conspiracy, and when campaigning and consulting for Ted Cruz in 2012, she was still drawing over $10,000 in unemployment benefits.
Are we ruling out the possibility that he’s secretly sworn to the Dallas Cowboys, though?
It took me way too long to realize that they’re hugging the wrong mother.
Let’s take a moment to look at the stunning beauty that is Jeffrey Wells...
<3 u
I’d give you all the stars, but the system doesn’t allow me to - all these changes argh
Finally, someone found the Orangina Fuckhole. I’ve been looking all through two whole threads.
It bears repeating: you are doing the lord’s work.
vibrating Bologna loaf
It takes some fucking balls to bury the news that your “investigation” turned up absolutely nothing illegal by somehow accusing Planned Parenthood of breaking the law because allegedly a third party medical waste disposal company is not disposing of medical waste properly.
also lol dick cheney can come @ me he may have held a bunch of political power but 1 on 1 i can kill the fuck out of that old robosatan.
tru and fair and this is the best thing ever written about me and also it’s pretty true.
europe: the bastion of racial equality since never
I think Italian American is the furthest from “Anglo-Saxon” that Reagan and his ilk would allow themselves to go.