
Counter Counter point. The Devils are 3 and 0 when lifting the Prince of Whales. 0-2 when not. (why Stevens didn’t pick it up in 2001 is beyond me)

Funny I thought it started in 1995 with the Red Wings... who lost to the team that paraded on the ice with the East trophy when they won it

DALE: What happens if my tee shot lands on a bird’s back and he carries it out of bounds but then is attacked by a larger bird who grabs the ball and drops it in the hole? Is that still a hole in one? ‘Cause that’s how I’m gonna play it.
HANK: Dangit, Dale, it already happened once, what are the odds of it

It’s the Stingy and Battery Show.

You need the one guy for the playoffs I guess

So how are the ratings of First Take since Skip
Bayless left? Is Stephen A Smith worth what he’s being paid?

Bullshit mystery and excitement doesn’t show up until the 3rd round.

I refuse to spell it correctly on account the Russians sent my grandfather there.

Oh sure but I can’t figure out how to not have it bounce back dead center right after the ball save expires

NHL really should have rigged that draft lottery so he wouldn’t be playing in the fucking Syberia of the NHL and people would care alot more.

So Tony Romo is dying and that’s why this is happening?

Over the past two weeks champs lost by underbidding. Hell a guy could have won if he bid everything as the eventual winner also under bid in the lead too.

Why don’t we talk about the champion who got it right by way under bid losing the game? Of course her loss gave way to the new champion Nora who reminds me of a Jeopardy playing Aubrey Plaza

Takes one to know one, Dolan

Pictured: Big Pete selling out

Stick to sports Deadspin. Golf isn’t a sport and bullshit like this doesn’t help

They ain’t broken and obsolete? Man fuck you WWE

Like the Steelers getting Here we go what claim does the Mariners have on the generic Welcome back Baseball hashtag

Why hasn’t any team taken advantage of this and just tried to trade any white skill player to the Pats for way too much?