
What is it, honestly, with everyone insisting on how Midwestern they are?

No, Buttafuoco was actually on the show once. Early '90s.

Affleck was never accused of that.(shows self out)

How could he be expected to know cocaine is illegal?

Boy, AV Club writers know what to do when they don't want you to read a story.

I really do miss how funny Stewart's show was before the 2000 election. You'll never see a feature like Produce Pete again.

I don't know that he can't do standup any more, but I suspect he worries that he can't — more specifically, that he can't possibly meet expectations if he tries.

He's definitely the most erudite voice in The Dirt.

Def Leppard def don't deserve to be mentioned with the likes of Whitesnake.

"If people in showbiz all make fun of Republicans, the party's pretty much done for!" - A lot of very silly people last year

Very memorable and came from a different satirical place from the rest of SNL sketches. I suspect Jim Downey was the writer: http://snltranscripts.jt.or…

Even Trump's transparent wish to be back on SNL is a motif he stole from Meyers.

There's something else, though: when you're a kid in a small town, having the chains you see advertise on national TV in your home town makes you feel weirdly more connected to the larger culture. Superficial but true.

"I've served my purpose plot-wise!"

Reverse Butterface.

Or that art got better because of it.

"something called the 'alternative minimum tax,' "

Not to be forgotten from that period: John McCain as solid host, and occasional visitor afterward. Won him points with me.

I bailed halfway thru season one. Did they ever straighten out Gus' character? Sometimes it seemed like he was a talented guy with a bunch of friends, sometimes a gormless loser.

"Rabin is the author of My Big Fat Tedious Lecturesome Movie Review."