
Fondly regarded as Stewart is, and for good reason, he's never really been a great standup.

Grohl is forever cool even as the Foos get softer and more boring. It's a slight pity but they ARE old.

Maybe it's time to let this thing die? (Seeks shelter, covers head)

Finally, the indie crowd get their own bloated, exhausted franchise!

But does it pass the Bechdel test???

Hendricks is great, but a sitcom that's all about the inciting incident? How do they string this along? (It's NBC, they won't.)

Tiramisu Eating Rwandan Fondler.

Then you can declare war on people who enjoy the same thing slightly differently.

Or a prequel to Taxi Driver.

The reviewer takes the conceit of the book way too seriously if, as described, it really is just a loose bunch of writing about people the author clearly adores, with a veneer of politics to make it seem thoughtful.

True Fact: Galaxy actually passes along some sound advice about socializing cats (which, it turns out, is mostly about making them feel safe by giving them their own wee cat-size spaces that they can retreat to — where humans can't follow).

'Tec 475 was your first! Man, the rest of comics must have turned out to be disappointing in comparison.

That's great; thanks for it.

I wish Sam knew this widely known fact about movie business. But he does know the right political position to take, give him that.

Wait, Kevin James drinks beer?

He used to say he was a libertarian. Then he became an Obama devotee and started defending the expansion of gov't that was going on around that time. It's nice that he hasn't been completely doctrinaire, I just wish I found him funny.

You mean they're anti-Netanyahu, or do they want the whole state around them to go?

You mean "I'm a notably articulate, world-travelled, conspicuously thoughtful 48-year-old who has earned the right to his opinions?" He wasn't exactly waving his Grammy Awards around saying "silence, peasant."

For some reason I really want to see Russ Hanneman on that show.

I heard he dies as an old man. Ugly and dead. Alone.