
"Warning: the following film may contain scenes of women singing old hit songs while using hairbrushes as pretend microphones, relatably banal conversations about motherhood, or teary-eyed group hugs at the end. Viewer discretion advised."

Ah, but I really like the implicit premise that Wesleyan is just a warehouse for the learning-disabled.

So the controversial bit at Wesleyan is not running the misleading, fact-deprived op-ed from the student, but the piece that pointed out the op-ed's flaws?

[delete footage of Larson hugging Casey Affleck]

The AV Club article above says Affleck was alleged to have committed a crime. He wasn't; the writer just added that falsehood in. Maybe you can understand why people have gotten wary of crusaders.

Now I don't get to sexually assault people but I do get to groundlessly accuse others of sexual assault. Well, it's something.

One sec — assault? Was he ever accused of assault?

Everyone knows it's "defuse."

So now you're accusing him of waiting too long and being a bad friend to … himself?

Please note that — unlike other pieces written about the allegations — the youngster's article accuses Lonergan of complicity with whatever Affleck did, years before they worked together.

Ruffalo and Linney on my list of actors that have never been better than the very first thing I saw them in (see also: Amy Adams, Junebug).

Thank you for naming the new Newswire approach.

I hope you have a friend that might actually stand up for you if some kid who doesn't know anything about you accuses you of "sexual violence."

Innocent question from a non-American: is it fair to say that Affleck is alleged to have "committed a crime"? Cops were never involved and I think this was all handled in civil court.

There's a reported investigation. I've heard enough!

They're not cute and aren't physically cut out for political sketches, so neither of SNL's most vocal fan groups back them.

I don't want to reward it with a click or comment directly, so I'll say it here: Katie's article on "Gary from Chicago" was a snide disgrace, bristling with the sort of unjustified hostility that's becoming typical of the Newswire stuff. Do better.

And if we annually hold a huge glitzy party to recognize the best? Do we create an awkward moment and invite the actual best, or do we just decide to honor nice people who weren't quite the best?

People love Paula Poundstone again, too!

There's no way it cost Hollywood more than a fraction of what, say, Town and Country did. And no one involved in that has been cast out.