
It honestly is. Bearing in mind that we're not likely to know the facts to a certainty, owing to the settlement.

Also, Andy Samberg's not really a movie star. And as fun as the movie is, I was a bit disappointed by how toothless it was regarding the music business — there's no large social target, just a guy who gets a swelled head for a while. If your movie has DJ Khaled and doesn't make fun of him, that's a lost opportunity.

Her words wouldn't have been remembered if it didn't turn out to be her only good movie.

AV Club calls Katy Perry's social statement trite and obvious: pot, kettle.

It was a mistake to put him in Manchester By The Sea; he never disappears into the character and stays Matthew Broderick.

In a flashback, he plays the father of Javelin (O.J. Simpson).

Idea: Make this meta! For his Suicide Squad movie, Mel Gibson, Hollywood semi-outcast, gathers up all of the showbiz's strangest, most disturbing, talented weirdos for the cast. (He keeps Leto, naturally.)
And if it kills their careers, who cares.

Really, they could do 10 episodes entirely adapted from his stories about drugs. And I think that might even be a good idea.

It was fun to watch. The first performance of the night you could say that about.

I'm as charmed by Kate McKinnon as anyone else, but it's boring that — Conway aside — there's so little satire in her roles. RBG, Warren, Merkel, even Hillary to some extent … they're such positive portrayals that they're uncomfortably close to tributes.

Mike Judge is a former musician.

Look, the joke was "Fauxcahontas." How SNL ever got performances out of this guy is beyond me.

Both are from sexy, glamorous … Idaho?

Submits for awards, yes?

Is it just the B-word? Surely, "give me money back" doesn't indicate hatred of women generally.

Oh, if there's something to judgmentally wag its finger at, today's AV Club will find it.

If the AV Club won't even cancel Hatesong …

I wish it were set in the comic, just to see people struggle. "Crap, we've been rebooted again. Was I married to you or something?"

She's a good actress and it would be nice to see that become the back half of her life. I root for her kinda protectively.

It's just lasted far too long and everyone knows it'll be undone.