
Ah, you're right. SU fans aren't hurting anyone. My apologies.

Thank you. I made a bet to myself that it would take less than 30 seconds and here you are.

Dirty isn't always arousing. Phair's songs definitely made you want her (racy album art helped, too). Now PJ Harvey, on the other hand …

It's fine to say "the audience won't care! Advertisers won't care!" But they probably would.

He's a really good actor.

I recall that Rapaport's part was supposed to be much smaller but Edi Gathegi, meant to be the big antagonist of the season, really wanted out.

He could evict Natasha Lyonne every day for a year in my books if he'd actually pulled off that Cajun-ish .. thing.

Better or worse than Esposito?

It's just unfortunate all around that Affleck's performance in Manchester by the Sea is as good as it is. Very awkward.

"There's only you and me and/ We just disagree!" - Hulk and Nick Denton, on karaoke night.

In the Chelsea Clinton case, I'm not even sure that there is a broader 'ilk' - I don't recall anybody joining Limbaugh in attacking the president's kid.

But I wanna wring my hands!

"Step out of the car, sir."
"Uh …"

This is the default hack move of AV Club writers of late.

Endless hours of comedy devoted to a single topic. Uh, thanks?

Just replace it with "lunch." Making lunch in the green grass, everyone can enjoy that.

MMA is utterly international and multicultural, yes. I'm afraid the speech wasn't aimed at the broader country, just a bit of self-congratulation for those in the room.

He's a real breath of fresh air and I worry that this new format is meant to nudge him toward doing stuff that more resembles the various Daily Show imitators. Surely they know that's a dumb move, but …

This list has its own politics …