
What indeed.

(Don Denkinger nods in agreement)

Don't worry, fans, Stan Lee has already been filmed taking all credit for several Marvel concepts that haven't even been created yet.

"Like a rotisserie chicken, right round, round round" …

Apocalypto would be a *great* name for a wrestling event.

We can only hope your message of tolerance gets through.

She has gotten very political on Twitter of late and it wouldn't surprise me if she used one of those block lists, where you're automatically blocked if you follow some of the *wrong* people.

Coming Oct. 22: Someone's Eating American Poop.

He was good!

Like Wrath of Khan's dandy bit about 3-D thinking.

Sometimes he just talks about politics instead of the movie. Nobody is happy about it.

No, the band name should be over-the-top shitty, like … I dunno … Olivia Tremor Control.

Is it about drugs?

If he doesn't, all we'll have is Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, John Oliver and Samantha Bee.

Outstanding. Coherent, consistent defence of an aesthetic. Well done, Mr. Loaf.

I think (hope?) the studio realizes that last-minute efforts to lighten Suicide Squad up a bit were very important to its success.

Operate on the assumption that Zack Snyder actually hates these characters and it'll all make sense.

The "it's not her joke to make" rule the reviewer cites suggests you should never make humorous observations about other people. So let's start there.

If I knew which, if any, of these titles featured single-issue standalone stories I'd pounce.

Oh, it happened.