
I think that the Suicide Squad sequel should be fun since the audience all but bellowed "that's what we want!"

I loved how the promos bragged that I would never understand it.

I recall the criticism was that there was too much pastiching of particular artists ("So Alive" was a U2 song, "Do Miss America" is the Replacements, etc.). But it's an enjoyable record.

Dear Mr. Bray: "Things are on the up and up" does not mean what you seem to think.

Subtext for too long!

Koko tried giving him some constructive criticism about his movies' tendency toward mawkishness, and that was that.

They have a pleasant sound but they're not songwriters.

I almost stopped reading when I got to the bit about how police don't tell the public when they're investigating crimes. I'm glad I didn't, because I would have missed the assumption of malicious motive at the end. Sheesh.

Metzger did no harm to any of these women and he cannot have created some hurtful culture after the fact. So far as I've read, his assertion is that banning the guy from UCB is insufficient if the accusations are correct, and that banning him in this public manner is legally problematic if the accusations can't be

Yeah, I wish people would go read his Facebook posts rather than trust the AV Club, which of late has been straining for outrage for click purposes. He is suggesting that some kind of UCB internal court is a pretty terrible way of handling an actual rapist, and put that way, it's hard to disagree.

He's a hilarious standup. Don't direct your rage about the rumoured UCB rapist at the guy who's only talking about it.

It's like a Keurig machine but for comedy. It only works on Tivoli radios and certain stoves.

How does this writer know what the show was like before Seeso picked it up?

It's a call-back (and meta-joke) to a line of his from earlier in the bender.

Invite them to do one last show at your place.


This is the reward for creating such a show.

His first special was great; diminishing returns since.

If this were Lonely Island it would get a very generous AV Club reception. If it came from C. Esposito I can't imagine …