
It has already decided on a policy of "write inflammatory straining-for-controversy headline to reap clicks."

And this was Ghostbusters' problem. It's earning quite a lot for a comedy, but its budget (both production and marketing) are too big for it to thrive.

Or much laughter.

Whoa, Cross ripped off the other Mr. Show guys?

I was around in the '80s. That's not how I remember it.

That passing reference he made in Millennium to "fascist Britain." Weird.

It's great until they give him that horrendous new costume (… and take away his transmutation powers. It got bad, fast, at that point.

Such a shame, because the structure — weekly series so the entire crossover takes two months — was a winner.

This, Grimjack, his Firestorm run … hey, you've got a point.

The books are pretty terrific.

Remember the rule: if something is described in a headline as 'controversial,' you are meant to disapprove. (Antonym: 'brave.')

I wish this article didn't dwell on things Adam Hughes did *not* do in this comic. The Frank Cho stuff is even less relevant. Ah, but without vague intimations of sexism, what would the traffic be?

Leave Trigger out of this!

If it helps at all, Diane's family turn out to be … unconventional Vietnamese, that's for sure. But there are loads of other good shows to enjoy out there.

See also: Andrew Dice Clay, Larry the Cable Guy. Though those guys embraced the audience's affection…

Doesn't smack of desperation at all.

This way they get the sales from Cho's cheesecake work and get to strike an enlightened pose afterward.

Episode two: Cameron does something not particularly funny and is creeped out by the fawning coverage it's given by a Chicago entertainment website.

If Take This Waltz is a comedy, maybe The Reader can get on the list too.