
Lemmy Cill-mister, motorin' thru heady movies!

I like it for the native advertising, where a cool guy who loves sports just wants to earnestly talk to me for a minute about a new line of socks that just might change my life.

Now, if multimillionaires and web-content empires want to wreck strangers' lives for kicks, and use their money to insulate themselves from any consequence, that's just fine. But if a billionaire wants to help those strangers fight back, that's all kinds of wrong.
I can't believe people don't see this.

If these women wanted a low bar to clear, then they definitely should've made Blues Sisters 2000.

It's traffic-bait, though. I'm not sure how serious the boycott talk ever was, but for purposes of grabbing eyeballs this does beat the snot out of "Celebrities Appear on TV to Tout Iffy-Looking Movie.

Snob-appeal rankings:
4. Sitcom with studio audience
3. Sitcom without studio audience
2. Sitcom with no real jokes, just awkwardness
1. Louie.

Probably nothing like Sandler's fight with Bob Barker.

It has nothing to do with the topic of this article. Sava just shoehorned it in.

Now the sex-harassment stuff, THAT'S gratuitous and irrelevant.

And substantially more unemployment, particularly among the young and the low skilled. Win?

The review will be B+ or better, guaranteed. It will probably also contain gratuitous ad hominem attacks on the film's detractors.

At a guess it'll be mediocre; I think McKinnon and McCarthy will bring a lot of energy, but Wiig and Feig are better suited to different material. There's every reason to think it will be at least intermittently funny, given the talent; I wish these same people were involved in an original idea.

It probably doesn't help that projects like this get *celebrated* online for same irrelevant reasons. The idea of a gender-switched Ghostbusters reboot was cheered by Jezebel and its ilk from the first rumours, never mind the trailers.

All of this furore means it's gonna be a hit. On the first weekend, anyhow …

Yeah, what's he ever done?

I remember seeing Executive Decision despite my dislike for Steven Seagal. Then a few minutes in — oooh, yeah!

Shahi knew she was making a pilot. That's no guarantee of anything.

Get him, boys!

*snif* Beautiful.

We shouldn't let such image issues distract us from how crappy that short was.