
It gets 300+ comments, which is eyeballs, clicks, etc. We're *all* hate-reading it.

"It's so unrealistic. Craigslist isn't mentioned once!"

Dikachu, to name just one, has to actually be more famous than this comedian, or most of the Z-level comics and punk/metal bands participating.

Was the writer born this obnoxious, or did it just kinda aggregate?

This *is* a rather defensive piece, isn't it?

It's a typo in the article (or maybe something less forgivable than a typo). Why would she need to *get* something in exchange for being given opportunities?

Who's it unhealthy for?

I've never in all my days heard of such a thing! (faints)

For his sake, I'm just glad the show is still around. Then again, so is Hatesong, so the universe doesn't just give me whatever I want …

So you're saying this show in pretty pointless to make now. I'd agree; Katie's statement regarding its relevance comes off as rather paranoid (and historically ignorant).

Did we already know Gilfoyle's first name is Bertram?

I don't know that people will be less sad when Aretha goes, but Prince mattered more to the people who dominate cultural chatter now; the baby boomers have surrendered the reins. Aretha's great, but her peak was a long time ago.

Prince's musical obsessions were sex and God. In North America anyhow, African-Americans have been known for the more bluntly sexual music, and the more movingly spiritual music, for a century or more.
I don't know exactly what Chappelle meant — I'm sure he was just feeling his way — but that's one interpretation:

It fits. "I knew it'd end badly, but this is just pathetic."

"Americans are foolish, anti-Americanism maybe even more so." It's like a Team America for the genteel set.

There are so many "he's a dick, but he's not completely wrong, and you as a viewer end up liking him" roles that get written and yeah, I'm happy whenever Eigeman gets them.

This is a beautiful piece of progress.

'I'd vote for Warren, but Hillary, with her Goldman Sachs speaking fees and the FBI probe and Benghazi and —'
I think she's saying people will seize upon any excuse to avoid voting for a woman. There must be some truth in that. But at a certain point her position gets close to 'You have to vote for Hillary or

Hence Derek, his series-length apology for making fun of retarded people.