
And "not every day" would've been the minimal alteration but still comic.

He killed when paired with the snowman in Muppet Family Christmas, one of several surprisingly great bits in that special. He just needed a partner, and he found one, but not one well suited to travel.

I suspect the character was created to be a parody, but people loved it, so the comedian altered trajectory and decided, cynically, to embrace the creep he created. See also: Dan Whitney.

He also had a deaf hack comic and a Maron-esque political hack. All of them on SNL. How this article didn't dwell on Armisen is hard to figure.

Farm is a great, great Dino Jr. album.

Serious, I hope inoffensive, question: do you believe that a baker should be compelled to make your wedding cake? That's where the non-bathroom part of this got started, near as I can figure.

"Hey Michael, remember that documentary we saw about … Whadda they call it? Radio Free Europe?" — Bobby Cannavale as Peter Buck

"Just watch the first two episodes and see if you don't desist on your own."

I assume that whatever they did with GoT (and Sopranos) *made* money. And let's not pretend that, Jagger and Scorsese notwithstanding, Vinyl couldn't be made a lot better.

It's not usual at all for network shows to have several show runners over the years; money is one reason. HBO seldom does this, but it's not hard to find areas that need creative improvement with this show.

A brilliant, moving song, and whoever at ANTI records made sure it was Track One on the album should take a bow. Brings you into Merle the wise, regretful songwriter right away.

The AV Club should interview grownups more often.

She minded not one bit.

Even better, for me, is that D&C doesn't place any set of those characters above any of the others. A less interesting movie would build it around the nerds and valorize their introspection.

Great creepy tone - comparable to David Lynch - but not a great ending.

I believe this had to have been his bit about garage sales.

How much reading have you done about communism?

What a laugh it must've been to be in a Blotto video. Film a bunch of zero-budget videos on public beaches, friends' offices etc. and actually get them on MTV.

"Yeah, go ahead, write catchy, enjoyable, infectious, exciting music. Just like The Man wants you to."

The old punk guys tend to have great road and gig stories, and good thing too, as old punks have now established themselves as the curators of recent rock history — seriously, photo books, oral histories and other mementoes of the scene just keep coming.