
First rule of headlines: if we call something "controversial," we want you to disapprove of it.

She's in her overrated phase, which invites pushback. (I don't think she's a joke thief but that hullabaloo did reveal that her work now being hailed as fresh and groundbreaking isn't, really.) That said, she's a trained actress, unlike most standups; I expect her to do very well with this movie opportunity.

Reviewer says this show is fresh but she still makes it sound like every other one of its ilk (Noah, Oliver, Wilmore).

"I wanna go out to lunch. I wanna be NORMAL again!" - Amy Schumer, 2017

Sure looks good! Who's with me? C'mon, anybody?

The punk historians always gotta make it about themselves, at least a little.

I wish she'd hosted during Get Him to the Greek's run, so she could perform those disgusting but catchy pop numbers:…

The character came back into focus, at the last possible moment.

"Cut muhself shaving."

"Mostly snubbing" = "nominating both the stars for Oscars"

No Chris O'Dowd yet! (Fingers crossed)

Oh, man, Lemmy's son really should now do a duet with him on "Too Late, Too Late."

If someone cast Michael Rapaport as a protagonist, that's the worst decision since Justified cast him as a Southerner. I've seldom seen a well-known actor mangle an accent that badly.

"Then Ultron and I gradually drifted apart and broke up, as we had sworn we would never do during that magical winter."

Obama has spent more time golfing than any prez in the last 50 years, though I suppose you could try to argue that he's working when he's out there.

He really could have laid off on adding himself on the vocals of other artists' records. The Puff Daddy of his time.

He's the good one, though. Take all of Bill Simmons and Dane Cook's fame and give it to Burr.

It's my one indulgence, and I know our planet can ill afford any more of those, but … I love comedies from lecturesome millionaire socialists. Honestly, he hasn't wasted Ferrell's talent at all!

And the female lead had to fall in love with Ferrell's character for no reason. Women, amirite?

Or judging the AV Club by Hatesong!