
The title that all but shouted "No Story Here, Don't Watch Us."

I don't remember the smut on that. Just tell me they left the pig out of it.

It'd be interesting to track where TV shows have tended to be set over the years. I suspect the urban obsession is as bad as it's ever been; Always Sunny's Philly location still seems weird and creative, which is remarkable.

Corner Gas is great, and we never had a Rural Purge up here.

Quite sincerely: you might think that creating a sympathetic heroine, in highly dirty circumstances, played by someone who can bring the comedy to life, is doable, but it seems to be really hard.

I also liked his poem about killing Frankenstein's monster (who might have just been a store clerk).

I am a big fan of Baron Vaughn's but him aside, this does rather seem to be casting on the basis of the Internet's Favourite People. (Next: PewDiePie as Gypsy!)

Because talent respects talent, and friendship transcends politics?

He had a fresh take in the first few episodes (the beauty pageants story comes to mind). Now it's just one more day of the Daily Show.

The '30s and '40s, you say? Who was this insufferably mean Republican president who made this happen?

My fave part of that Gallagher story: the original ended up having to sue Gallagher Two, and the family took Gallagher Two's side.

Keaton is an executive producer on this movie. There's your explanation.

I won't reward the Hatesong with a hate-click, even to comment, so: I promise to click three times on forgettable reviews of forgettable movies like this one if Hatesong is cancelled.

Few actors get to pick and choose. Stevens' IMDB page suggests his role in The Grand Budapest Hotel was directly preceded by one in … Movie 43.

Maron's best interviews, by far, are with his peers in comedy; there's usually some old beef - someone thought someone else hated him, years ago - and it tends to reveal the insecurities of everyone involved, esp. Marc.

Welk nailed both the Aldridge Sisters.

Agreed. Mind you, the debased quality of political discussion in recent years helps Trump in at least one non-obvious way: over the last seven years commentators who support the current president have been rather quick to accuse anyone who opposes his agenda of racism; the word seems to have lost some of its power as

She's been able to survive a scandal that would absolutely finish other performers (though it was touch and go for a long time).

I'd assume money-making is one reason they chose a case that lots of people are already familiar with.