
Speaking of people who ought to shit down and shut up (typo and it stays) hit dismiss on our new friend when you get a moment. :)

Is hummus flavored cake a thing? That's the only logical reason I could assume chickpea flour would exist for

Apparently I'm really far behind in vegan/all natural/gluten free/soy free/whatever recipes. Chick pea flour is a thing? Not only that but it is already being rejected?

I need some new Gluten Free/Casein Free/Dairy free/Soy free,Chick pea flour free recipes! Something a picky little eater would like.

Lol @ "turn of the century"

Ooh, yeah. And ravers love making and handing out bracelets. At least they did around the turn of the century. My friends would spend hours making cheap and colorful bracelets. Then they'd go into the bathroom, slide some ecstasy into their rectum, stuff the bracelets into their pockets and head down to the party.

WHY would it be a lobster tail? None of those flavors scream lobster. A cylindrical, knobby-ended confection filled with creamy goodness, on the other hand, does scream dick.

My question is... what kind of dongs are you seeing that appear to have armor plating on them?

is ewan mcgregor prepping for a role as kurt cobain?

lobsters, dicks or lobster dicks I don't care. Those look good.

I would, as of now, happily and hungrily eat a bag of dicks.

Things I like to put in my mouth: pretzels, peanut butter, buttercrunch brittle, sea salt, honey butter, dicks. This may be my favorite thing ever.

I would deep throat that pretzel though.

You are clearly FAAAAAAAAAR more of an adult than I am.*

Before I read it, I was like, "That looks like a lobster." Guess I'm just classy and not vulgar. You fucks.

This is a great story. I thought it was going to be a giant spider, but you really caught me off guard with the pig.

Several years back I was homeless in San Francisco. I could often find friends to stay with, but not every night. The night of this tale I was trying to sleep in the park, and to help me sleep and forget about my shitty predicament I had bought a big jug of Carlo Rossi. Around midnight I'm good and sloshed, but still