

Don’t you mean a successful white lady calling a working-class black kid “not as good as” another black character? If she were calling them both “not good enough,” that could be racist. But expressing preference for one black person over another, why would that have anything to do with race?

Ever gone back and watched Citizen Kane, Pyscho, French Connection? Things are slow as balls and NOT ONE robot between them! It doesn’t make it any less relevant.

Since you brought up "Whedon's previous work," it seems like now would be a really good time to point out once again that Joss Whedon's only involvement with the show was writing and directing the pilot episode. He's listed as an executive producer, but as I understand the TV business, that's only because the

Man, I hope you're right. I want them to make movies of diverse characters like Black Panther and Black Widow (I'm pretty lukewarm on Captain Marvel myself) because those are good characters and the people making those movies are as passionate about them as we are, not because they're trying to fill billets. Marvel

I sure hope your understanding isn't based on those comments David Goyer made, at the same time he was saying only sexless losers know who Martian Manhunter is.

No, I agree with that, but I was responding to someone who specifically used the word "quota" in their post. I think the belief that a woman will have the best perspective on how to accurately portray the female main character of your movie is a good to reason to hire a female director or writer, whereas hiring a

This is a point I want to make every time the discussion comes up, but I feel like it's not my place to say it since I'm not black. Kevin Feige has stated explicitly that a Black Panther movie is in development. For all we know, there could have been a finished script that came across his desk and he said, "you know

I think that was just a joint production, in the same way that Marvel Studios does technically have some involvement with the Fox and Sony Marvel movies.

And on top of all that, both the Cyborg and Wonder Woman movies are contingent on those characters being well-received in their earlier DC movie appearances. Wonder Woman's a little safer, because her movie is allegedly coming out before Justice League, but if people walk out of JL saying, "that movie was really

This is straying into more general philosophical territory, but I personally think it's better for considerations of equality when they're doing it purely because they think that person is right for the job, and not because they're trying to fill a quota of political correctness.

I didn't mean it in a competitive sense, I meant it in the sense that hiring a female director doesn't really matter until the movie's in the can. It's not competitive because what Marvel Studios did really doesn't count, since she didn't end up making the movie.

And bully to WB for trying. I'm still not sold on "handing the bulk of the DC cinematic universe over to Zack Snyder" idea, but between this and in the increased diversity on camera, I fully admit that behind the scenes Warner Bros. and DC seem to have gotten their act together in a lot of ways.

Good point. Remember, Marvel Studios already hired a female director, to direct Thor 2. She didn't end doing it, but it doesn't change the fact that she was indeed hired at one point.

And that's smart, because it gives them flexibility. When WB fails to put out a Cyborg movie according to their schedule, they're going to look bad. That's bad PR, right there. They should have kept it vague.

I'd go one further than that. The Marvel Studios movies are basically the only superhero movies I even bother seeing at all anymore. They're so good that they make everything else look bad in comparison.

That's a very good analysis, and that may indeed be their plan, but I'm not really sure how successful it'll be. I think the worst that would happen is it might cause Marvel Studios to reduce the frequency of their releases. If the superhero-genre bubble does burst, Marvel may have to cut back to one movie every

I devote very little headspace to Fox's superhero movies, so when I saw the headline, my first thought was of Marvel Studios' version of Quicksilver. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of a shitstorm there would be if they did a solo movie for Quicksilver, when Captain Marvel, Black Panther, etc, are still on

Requiring an ID is a poll tax. There's no two ways about that. The government is requiring a citizen to pay for a government document before that citizen is allowed to vote. That's a poll tax. Don't pay, don't vote.

But not being a constitutional right really doesn't make those things any less significant or integral to the fabric of our society. If somebody passed a law that made it so you and a bunch of other people like you couldn't drive anymore, would you just shrug and say, "oh well, it's not a constitutionally-guaranteed