
I'd put the blame on the writers: Orci and Kurtzman apparently consider themselves fans (Orci has even said that TNG is the greatest show of all time, which frankly, it wasn't,) but its shocking that anyone could watch more than a dozen of the better episodes and miss the point as massively as STID does.

Karen Page doesn't seem like she would be as civic-minded as the character they're describing for Dawson. Misty Knight would make a lot of sense, actually, as she could be the Coulson-like linking character to Luke Cage and Iron Fist.

Investigator/bodyguard Jessica Jones? OH MY GOD IS SHE GOING TO BE JESSICA JONES AND GET INTRODUCED IN DAREDEVIL THEN SPIN-OFF INTO HER OWN SHOW? Probably not, but damn, that would be awesome.

Am I going insane, or does she kinda look like Keira Knightley in this particular, specific photograph? Am I having a stroke?

We can always just follow Greendale Community College's fine example and change the team name to the Human Beings. That won't offend anyone, right?

Maybe we should let Native Americans decide that. Or better yet, consult with them on a new mascot. And if they say they don't want any Native names or iconography, then respect that.

I would also be concerned with the removal of all Native American ancestry from team names and images... just seems like, with the Native population already as marginalized and forgotten as they've become in this country, that removing them further from the public eye would be a bad thing.

Attaboy. Fight prejudice with prejudice.

Whether it's 9% or 90% of Native Americans that find the name degrading and demeaning, 100% of people who fight to keep a name that degrades and demeans people are assholes.

Frankly, as a Native, I find the term "Indian" more offensive since it shows that white people think all people of color look the same and that you were geographically inept. So let's go after Cleveland instead...

Ugh, I'm so tired of these stupid chin pieces on superheroes. Why do people like these?

Not only does the superman not die; he never grows old, and is always at the height of his powers. He will live forever between the ages of 20 and 30, subject to no sickness and no wrinkles, but from time to time acquiring some "distinguished" wounds.

Again, it's hard for me to take umbrage to what you say too much, because pretty much everything you're saying is exactly how I feel about Arrow. I was just watching an episode yesterday in fact, and I just kept getting more and more frustrated about how the entire script was just a bunch of canned, prefab bits of

Nobody can give you the magic recipe to life success.

All the things you suggest, yes they are possible, but they are excuses for why YOU can't try, and they are logical cop-outs.

...Also, I think our culture is too enmired in the "you can do it!" attitude. I truly believe that I would be a happier, more successful person if my parents had spent less time telling me "you can do anything if you set your mind to it!" and more time explaining that, realistically, if I want to achieve great goals,

We're ALL the ones who have to figure out what that something is.

Did you see the Sif episode? That was the one that definitely stands out as taking advantage of the MCU setting. If you like that character, I'd recommend watching that episode as a standalone even if you don't care for the show.

Please tell me why I'm wrong. Honestly- I'm not being pedantic, because It was absolutely trite, silly writing at every opportunity.

We've allowed ourselves to think the final third was good because it wasn't as abysmal as what preceded it. Even the amped up season finale was bad.