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    "here's doubtless all kinds of material that can be mined from this, for example how a lot of white people felt that Mike Brown deserved to be shot because he had (possibly) just stolen some cigars from a shop. White person simpleminded assessment is, person broke rules, then they got punished. "

    You're … kind of a racist moron, aren't you?


    I'd be embarrassed to be so transparent.

    It's rough, right?

    You don't understand the concept of a false equivalence, do you?

    Well ..

    That was beyond tacky.

    President Obama invited his fellow Scouts to *his* house.

    If you don't understand the harm, then it's pretty much useless for anybody to try to explain it to you.

    I'm glad it wasn't.

    Why are you presuming this kind of behavior doesn't still happen in Maryland? Oregon?

    I'm really kind of tired of people who care what those people think.

    Anyway, the coda to the conversation described above: I say, "Well, I think every country has trouble dealing with the dark stuff from its past, including ours." "OK, sure," he says, "but at least out country was never complicit in genocide." I replied with a gobsmacked whuuuuhhhh? face, to which he replied with an

    That sounds dangerously like "butbutbut excuse".

    Why does all this "alternative history" yap-yap-yap completely and consistently ignore the actual human and human suffering elements involved …?

    "Dune" is already in rotation on Showtime

    "Dude, I've seen literally thousands of movies and (perhaps moreover) spent time in the world"

    And, again, just because YOU don't find them interesting - or again, if the issues make you uncomfortable, because I notice you didn't spend a whole lot of time even considering that possibility - it doesn't make the *show* "uninteresting".

    Did you just think it was "bad" because YOU were uncomfortable …?