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    JUST like that.

    Beat me to it.

    Recently a white Canadian dude photographer had the nerve to be outraged after he returned home from Cuba after having been jailed for 11 days for flying his drone camera without a permit in Havana.

    He already praised their cray cray dictator.


    " I always thought the warming of Cuban relations of was to save the US from being isolated."

    Even then they think they'll be happy being miserable if it means we'd have less.

    SororSalsa called him Orange Julius Caesar upthread. I about died.

    The more I think about it, the more I realize that really is straight-up pathological.

    Tyson, if you really mean what you say, please pass this out to your white compatriots and make them read it:

    "I don't think blind spot is the correct descriptor."

    I keep asking how the Capitol Police are who saved that racist Congressman's life.

    Shhh. Don't woke 'em.


    I think it's interesting how many men so often underestimate / overlook the power drive in other men.

    Here's some MLK I'm sure those parents haven't heard

    How many times have they tried that racist cop Walter Scott …?

    I so can't with that mushrooming disaster.

    *And* they fired him. Like they did the other cop of color (Asian that time) who killed a black man, and was acquitted