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    "Her line, art without restraint comes with responsibility. Fck that."

    It's always been culturally relevant to some folks.
    Just because you don't happen to be one of them, that doesn't make you more important than anyone else by default

    I have it on fairly good authority that the first screening of the pilot apparently already tanked.

    I’m sure you’ll understand if I tell you your judgments, however valid they may appear to you & those who might concur, are questionable on their face because of your demonstrated & complete lack of empathy for other people who might’ve experienced something you obviously haven’t.

    You know what they say about jokes that have to be explained …

    "Last time I checked, Condederate has more black producers and writers than the AV Club has black commenters"

    You're comparing those two things with no analytical consideration of the reasons *why* that was — and so *why* the two situations can be distinguished from one another …?

    Kind of shortsighted there, hombre

    You're really kind of both patronizing and uninformed
    You sure you weren't out there at Charlottesville waiting to see if you were going to "appear" on Twitter having forgotten to wear your hood?
    Because the only people who seem to think it's "objectively" a good idea to turn something into pain porn - which is already

    Between your opinion and Roxane Gay's - who is a decorated artist & author, as am I - I'm going to go with Roxane

    That's a "white savior" narrative you'll find in every film about "othered" peoples from Dancing with Wolves to Avatar.



    I need this in my life


    He's back on Better Call Saul.

    Why do they pull that card when you're on your way out the door?

    "I dated a few and you better not look like you going in your wallet to pay for anything. "